What really happened?

Patrick Ireland

Previous Witness: AUSTIN EUBANKS


Patrick Ireland’s Columbine Witness Testimony


11k page report – witness testimony

Witness Location:


Ireland, Patrick


On April 20,1999, at approximately 12:35p.m., the reporting officer was contacted by Captain Jim Collier and directed to report to the command post located at South Pierce Street and West Bowles, Lakewood, Colorado. The reporting officer then responded to the command post. At the command post, the reporting officer was directed to accompany one of the ambulance crews when they began transporting victims to the hospital. The reporting officer was assigned to a Littleton Fire Department ambulance. The crew consisted of Lt. Monte Fleming, John Alyard, Ryan Knautson, and Charlie Martinez. They are all members of the Littleton Fire Department.

At approximately 2:46p.m., the ambulance crew and the reporting officer moved into position and picked up a male victim. He was identified as Patrick John Ireland. His date of birth is June 12, 1981. His home address is [REDACTED]. He was suffering from a gunshot wound to the left forehead, a gunshot wound to the right foot, and a laceration of the right inner elbow.

At the time he was placed in the ambulance, he was wearing a gray t-shirt, a white undershirt, blue jeans, socks, and a gold colored necklace with a water-ski pendant. He was not wearing shoes. His socks, pants, shirt, and head were covered with blood. Inside the ambulance he was attended to by Firemen Fleming and Knautson. They cut off all of his clothes except his undershorts. These clothes were turned over to the reporting officer who took control of them. He was transported to St. Anthony’s Hospital.

Inside the ambulance, the reporting officer asked Mr. Ireland to describe what had occurred. He stated that he was shot by a man who was wearing black clothes and a mask. The man was carrying a long gun. He could not describe the size of the man nor did he recognize the man. He stated there was also a second man who was shooting.

This man also wore a mask. He could provide no other description of the second gunman. Mr. Ireland stated that he was in the “emergency room” when he was shot. He could not remember who he was talking to or what he was doing at the time of the shooting. He stated that the shooting surprised him and he did not remember any other gunshots. He stated that he saw neither hand grenades nor bombs. He had no idea who would want to shoot him. He could provide no other details.

At St. Anthony’s Hospital, Mr. Ireland was originally treated by Dr. Pi and Dr. Darcy Fisher. Dr. Fisher confirmed that the wound to the forehead and the wound to the foot were both gunshot wounds. She removed one small fragment from the forehead wound. The reporting officer took possession of this fragment. Dr. Fisher stated that surgery would be required to remove the remainder of the bullet.

Dr. Fisher removed his underwear and gave these to the reporting officer who assumed control of them. Dr. Prall performed the surgery. During the course of the surgery, Ms. Diane Greenburg, a nurse, left the operating room and gave the reporting officer the bullet that had been removed from Mr. Ireland’s head. Ms. Greenburg stated that Dr. Prall had removed the bullet and


given it to her to give to the reporting officer. The reporting officer also took control of the bullet.

Due to the circumstances, the reporting officer had no SBI forms with him at the time he was at the hospital. The neurosurgeon, Dr. Prall, stated that there was a substantial chance that Mr. Ireland would suffer a permanent loss of physical abilities.

The reporting officer placed all of the evidence in the Denver Police Department property bureau. The property bureau number is 559697. The evidence consists of one metal fragment, one bullet fragment, one watch, one pair of bloody pants with a belt, two bloody socks, one bloody gray shirt, one pair of underwear, and one bloody white undershirt. His wallet with assorted papers and six dollars, his necklace, and his keys were placed into personal property under the same invoice number.

Det. Joel R. Humphrey 73017
Intelligence Section
Denver Police Department


Arvada Police/Court System
Arvada Police Department

Ref# 99-12067
Reported Date 04-20-1999

Time 12:39:32
Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET123 07-15-1999 07-14-99/BOATRIGHT/MO

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department 99-7625

On 05-11-99 Detective Boatright (IO) was assigned DN#4874 requesting he contact and interview Patrick Ireland. Within the narrative of the lead, IO was informed property belonging to Patrick Ireland was found in the library subsequent to the incident occurring on 04-20-99. In addition, it was known Patrick Ireland was the student who escaped the library with the assistance of emergency personnel via one of the West library windows. It was determined IO would contact and interview Patrick Ireland to confirm his whereabouts during the incident and any information he had relevant to the investigation.

On 05-13-99 at approximately 0840 hours, IO responded to Craig Hospital located at 3425 So. Clarkson Street, Englewood, Colorado for the purpose of contacting Patrick Ireland. Upon arrival at that location, IO initially met with the forenamed’s father identified as John Ireland. At that point IO turned over to John Ireland his son’s wallet and contents which IO had previously been removed from evidence at the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department.

IO would note John Ireland had specifically requested the return of his son’s wallet in addition to other items. The other items requested could not be returned at the present time due to the ongoing nature of the investigation.

After meeting John Ireland, IO then followed him to a room where the interview was to occur. Upon arrival at that location, IO was introduced to Dr. James C. Schraa (Doctor of Psychology with the Colorado Neurological Institute) IO was informed Dr. Schraa had been assigned follow-up treatment with Patrick Ireland.

Dr. Schraa lists his business office as 701 E. Hampden Avenue Suite 330, Englewood, co 80110-2776, Ph. 303-789-8393. It was determined Dr. Schraa, along with both Patrick Ireland’s parents, would be present for the interview.

On the date indicated at approximately 0900 hours, IO met with Patrick Ireland.

Upon contact with Patrick Ireland, IO confirmed his full name is Patrick John Ireland, age 17, dob: 06-12-81. Patrick Ireland indicated he is also known by the first name of “Pat.” Patrick Ireland then verified to IO he still resides at [REDACTED] Ireland indicated he presently a junior at Columbine High School.

IO subsequently requested Pat Ireland provide an account of his activities on 04-20-99 beginning at the time he arrived at school. Pat Ireland stated on the date indicated he drove himself to school and recalled arriving at approximately 0715 hours. Pat Ireland stated he normally arrives at school around that time due to the fact he needs to go to his locker before responding to his 1st hour class. Pursuant to questioning, Pat Ireland stated his assigned parking space is #360 which is located in the South junior


parking lot. IO further confirmed with Pat Ireland the “junior lot” is located on the South side of Columbine High School. Pat Ireland went on to clarify that he used the Southwest lower entrance when entering the school on the date in question. Pat Ireland related he did not recall any unusual activity when he arrived at school. Pat Ireland reiterated he initially went to his locker prior to responding to his 1st period class.

According to Pat Ireland, he then attended his 1st hour class, which began at approximately 0730 hours and concludes at approximately 0820 hours. Pat Ireland identified his 1st period class as “Statistics” which is taught by “Mr. Blatchford.” Pat Ireland told IO his “Statistics” class is located in the “Math Hall” in room “MA8.” IO would note classroom MA8 is located in the Southeast area of the school.

Pat Ireland explained after leaving his 1st period class he then stopped at his locker to retrieve materials he would need for his 2nd period class. According to Pat Ireland, going to his locker in between 1st and 2nd period was a normal routine.

Pat Ireland explained he then attended his 2nd period class which began at approximately 0825 hours and concluded at approximately 0920 hours. Pat Ireland pointed out he knew the 2nd period class was longer than any of the other classes scheduled during the day due to the fact students receive the morning announcements at that time. Pat Ireland went onto state his 2nd period class is “History” which is taught by “Mr. Fleener.” Pat Ireland told IO his “History” classroom is identified as “SS3” which is located off the “main hall” (North hall) on the East side of the building. Pat Ireland indicated after his 2nd period class ended he again stopped at his locker and retrieved materials he needed for his 3rd period class. Again, Pat Ireland indicated the above activity was his normal routine.

Pat Ireland explained he then attended his 3rd period class which began at approximately 0925 hours and concluded at approximately 1015 hours. Pat Ireland identified his 3rd period class as “Trigonometry” taught by “Mr. Tank.” According to Pat Ireland, his “Trigonometry” class is located in the “Math hall” in room “MA2.”

Pat Ireland next indicated his 4th period class is “free” adding that he also has “A lunch.” Pat Ireland stated it was a common occurrence for he along with others to take their lunch break during 4th period. Pat Ireland stated 4th period begins at approximately 1020 hours and concludes at approximately 1110 hours. On the date in question, Pat Ireland stated he did go to lunch early that day (during 4th period) and recalled going to either “New York Bagels” or the “Mall.” According to Pat Ireland, he went to lunch that date with Beth Klepper, Emily Jacobson, Kyle Mickelson and Kristi Mohrbacher. Pursuant to questioning, Pat


Ireland stated Beth Klepper drove the forenamed to lunch. Pat Ireland clarified Beth Klepper parks in the junior parking lot (South side of the school, unknown parking space number) and returned to that same location after coming back from lunch.

Pat Ireland estimated he, along with forenamed, returned to the school property from lunch sometime prior to 1110 hours. Pat Ireland stated he based that estimation on the fact that he had not heard the bell prior to going to his locker.

Pat Ireland was subsequently asked if he recalled any unusual activity during the early morning hours of 04-20-99 to include the time frame when he returned to school from lunch. Pat Ireland responded in the negative indicating as far as he knew the day had been very routine.

Pat Ireland reiterated he returned to Columbine from lunch at approximately 1110 hours. Pat Ireland stated he re-entered the school via the Southwest lower entrance. Pat Ireland stated he then went to his locker in order to retrieve his Statistics book with the intention of going to the library. Pat Ireland stated his intention was to complete a homework assignment for his Statistics class. Pat Ireland pointed out during “A lunch” he normally went to the library and met with a regular group of friends where they would remain through A lunch. Pat Ireland clarified he would utilize his A lunch time period to either begin or complete homework assignments.

IO clarified with Pat Ireland, when he returned back to Columbine High School from lunch he separated from the above named friends and subsequently responded to his locker and then to the library. IO further clarified with Pat Ireland he was alone after returning from lunch up and to the point he arrived at the library.

Pat Ireland stated when he entered the library he walked to the far West section and found a table where some of his friends were located. IO subsequently supplied Pat Ireland with a diagram of the library and requested he identify the table where he and his friends sat. Pat Ireland immediately pointed to table #15 and placed an X at the Southeast corner of that table indicating where he sat.

When asked who was present when he arrived, Pat Ireland stated he believed Corey DePooter and Austin Eubanks were the first individuals seated at the table (North side) followed by himself, Makai Hall, and Dan Steepleton.

As previously noted, Pat Ireland indicated Corey DePooter and Austin Eubanks were located on the North side of the table, however, he could not be more specific concerning their positioning. In respect to the individuals seated on the south side of the table, Pat Ireland stated he knew he was on the Southeast corner and immediately to his left was Makai Hall. Pat Ireland went onto state Dan Steepleton would have then been located on the far West end of table #15 and the South side. Pat Ireland then placed first initials (“D, M & P”) near the Xs where he knew Dan Steepleton, Makai Hall, and himself were located. IO 


subsequently confirmed shortly after he arrived in the library (prior to 1115 hours) he knew Corey DePooter, Austin Eubanks, Dan Steepleton and Makai Hall were all present at table #15. See the aforementioned diagram for details.

Pat Ireland stated a short time later (within 5 to 10 minutes) he heard a “teacher” enter the library adding it sounded as though she was “screaming.” Pat Ireland stated he did not know the teacher’s name but believed he was later told she was a “substitute.” Pat Ireland further pointed out based on his location in the library he did not actually have a clear view of the teacher when she entered the library.

Pat Ireland stated once the individual he identified as the “teacher” entered the library he heard her indicate in a loud voice that “two kids” had “guns” and “everybody get down.” Pat Ireland stated it was apparent to him the teacher sounded “frightened” and she later repeated the above command when she began shouting, “Stay down.” Pat Ireland stated he assumed the teacher remained up towards the North end of the library due to the fact the voice seemed to be coming from the same location. Pat Ireland again clarified he did not actually see the teacher based on his location in the library.

When asked what occurred after he began to hear the teacher shouting, Pat Ireland stated it was obvious people were “confused.” Pat Ireland stated for a moment he thought the situation was possibly a “joke” however, added as the teacher continued shouting with what he described as a frightened voice he then realized she was serious. Pat Ireland stated it was also around that same time frame he recalled hearing possible “explosions” and “gunshots.” Pat Ireland stated at that point he then positioned himself underneath table #l5.

Pat Ireland explained when positioning himself under the table he was located near the Southeast corner facing North. In respect to everyone else’s positioning, Pat Ireland stated he knew Dan Steepleton and Makai Hall had also moved under the table and remained basically in their same positions (facing North), however, he was uncertain as to the whereabouts of Corey DePooter and Austin Eubanks. Pat Ireland stated he was certain the two forenamed friends had left table #15, however, he did not know where they went.

Pat Ireland stated his next recollection occurred as he began to hear what he thought were gunshots directly outside the library. Pat Ireland stated it was obvious the “gunshots” were “coming closer.” Pat Ireland clarified he was not referring to the gunshots coming from inside the library at this point.

Pat Ireland explained soon thereafter he realized the gunshots (possibly two to three) were then coming from inside the library North of his location. Pat Ireland stated at that point he then put his head down and closed his eyes. Pat Ireland stated he next


heard one of the suspects yell, “Anybody with a white hat stand up.” Pat Ireland went onto state it was possible the suspect had added to that statement, “Anybody with a white hat or a jock was supposed to stand up.” According to Pat Ireland, he was not aware of anyone who complied with that suspect’s request. Pat Ireland did point out he was wearing a ball cap that date, but could not describe the hat. Pat Ireland was also unable to recall if he removed the hat after hearing the suspects.

Pat Ireland stated he next heard one of the suspects state, “This is for all the shit you put us through.” Pat Ireland stated he then recalled hearing different voices which he believed were coming from the suspects. Pat Ireland clarified he did not actually remember seeing either of the suspects but knew he had heard two distinct voices, however, concluded there were at least two suspects who had entered the library. Pursuant to questioning, Pat Ireland stated the above described statements appeared to be coming from the Northwest section of the library.

When asked if he could provide any additional information regarding the distinct voices he heard, Pat Ireland responded in the negative. Pat Ireland stated he simply recalled thinking there were at least two suspects in the library based on hearing different voices. Pat Ireland was unable to elaborate on that point.

Pat Ireland stated after hearing the above statements, he then began to hear additional gunshots. According to Pat Ireland, those gunshots were coming from the Northwest section of the library. Pat Ireland stated it was at that point he then realized Makai Hall had been shot. IO confirmed with Pat Ireland up to that point he had basically held his head down with his eyes closed, thus he was not able to visually observe the suspects.

When asked how he became aware of Makai Hall being shot, Pat Ireland stated he heard “Makai’s groans.” When hearing the groans Pat Ireland stated it caused him to open his eyes and look towards where Makai Hall was located. According to Pat Ireland, at the time he looked at Makai Hall, he could see the forenamed had been shot and there was blood flowing from his right knee. Pat Ireland stated it was around that same time frame he also observed blood on Dan Steepleton’s foot but was not clear as to whether or not Dan Steepleton had been shot.

Pat Ireland next reported either prior to realizing Makai Hall had been shot or soon thereafter, he began “playing dead.” Pat Ireland stated while “playing dead” he remembered “holding my breath.” Pat Ireland clarified he could not specifically recall when he attempted to play dead during the incident but knew obviously it was prior to when he was shot.

Pat Ireland went onto state at some point during this incident he remembered moving to the West towards Makai Hall for the purpose of providing that individual with first aid. Pat Ireland stated he remembered moving over towards Makai Hall on his hands and knees and eventually positioned himself somewhat behind Makai Hall and


Dan Steepleton. Pat Ireland stated he believed he engaged in the above activity for the purpose of putting direct pressure on Makai Hall’s knee in order to control the bleeding. Pat Ireland stated he remembered reaching out with his left hand towards Makai Hall’s knee just at the moment he “blacked out.” Pat Ireland speculated he had been shot in the head at the time he ‘blacked out.” Pat Ireland told IO he had no recollection of being shot in the foot prior to losing consciousness.

When asked if he had any additional recollections prior to the time he lost consciousness, Pat Ireland thought for a moment and then recalled he had heard the school fire alarm activate. Pat Ireland stated he believed that occurred prior to the time he lost consciousness but went onto state he believed the fire alarm was still going off when he later awakened. Pat Ireland then made reference to the “strobe” light which is associated with the fire alarm.

When asked to relate his next recollection, Pat Ireland stated when he awakened he remembered his ears were “ringing” and he remembered hearing what he thought was a “coughing” sound. Pat Ireland stated he believed the coughing was coming from a male due to the fact the “voice sounded deeper.” Pat Ireland stated he was confident the coughing he heard was coming from the East side of the library. Pat Ireland pointed out at some point later the coughing stopped and he did not hear it again. At the time Pat Ireland was unable to expound further on that point.

Pursuant to questioning, Pat Ireland stated he had no knowledge as to how long he had been unconscious, but did remember when he awakened he did not see any movement in the library. When asked if he remembered where he was located when he awakened, Pat Ireland responded in the affirmative and then drew an X and circled it on the diagram. IO would note the aforementioned designation is located just to the North of table #15 (East of table #16).   Pat Ireland stated he recalled looking towards the West at the point he awakened. Pat Ireland stated he had no recollection of moving from his original position (when shot) to the point he was at when he recalled awakening. IO clarified with Pat Ireland it was his recollection he would have been south of table #15 when he was shot.

Pat Ireland pointed out at the time he awakened he believed he was “going in and out” referring to his level of consciousness. Pat Ireland did state he remembered hearing approximately four to five bells ringing after he awakened and had begun to try and leave the library.

IO again asked Pat Ireland if he remembered how long the “coughing” had gone on prior to its stopping. Pat Ireland stated he was uncertain. Pat Ireland reported he actually had no real sense of time from the point he awakened to when he escaped through the West library window. Pat Ireland reiterated he believed he was going “in and out” of consciousness as he attempted to flee the


library. It was at that point IO verified with Pat Ireland when he awakened he made a conscious decision to leave the library. When asked to elaborate on that point, Pat Ireland stated he remembered seeing the “windows” and thinking that was “my way out.” Pat Ireland then made reference to “escaping out the window.”

Pat Ireland stated at some point after awakening and determining he was going to move towards the West windows, he started crawling across the floor. Pat Ireland stated at that point he was aware of the fact he could only use his left arm and left leg when engaging in that activity. Pat Ireland reported as he started to move in a Northwesterly direction towards the windows he believed he had “blacked out” several times before he reached his destination.

Pat Ireland stated as he was crawling he did remember having to “move chairs.” Pat Ireland then described sliding chairs out of his way as he attempted to crawl in a Northwesterly direction towards the windows. Pat Ireland was unable to be more specific concerning that point.

Pat Ireland was then asked to describe the path he believed he had taken when exiting the library. Pat Ireland subsequently drew a line beginning on the North side of table #15 in a Northwesterly direction which ended at the area where the West windows were located. Pat Ireland pointed out he had absolutely no idea how long it took him to crawl from his original position to the window where he eventually escaped the library. Pat Ireland did state when he arrived at the windows he realized he had lost his right shoe but again had no real explanation for how that occurred.

At this point in the interview IO stopped Pat Ireland for the purpose of asking additional questions specific to the point when he originally awakened. IO confirmed with Pat Ireland that when he awakened he believed he was facing a Westerly direction. When asked if he ever recalled looking south in the library, specifically in the direction of table #15, Pat Ireland stated he was uncertain.

When asked if he recalled seeing anyone as he crawled towards the West windows, Pat Ireland again responded in the negative. Pat Ireland then stated he did remember seeing one person who was located under the far south computer table towards the West end. Pat Ireland described that individual as a male student with light colored hair. Pat Ireland pointed out he did not see that individual until about the time he reached the West windows to the library. Pat Ireland stated based on what he knows now he feels that person was deceased. Pat Ireland was unable to provide any additional information related to that observation.

For purposes of clarification, Pat Ireland did not recall seeing any other individuals in the library from the point he awakened until he reached the West windows.

When asked to describe what occurred when he arrived at the windows, Pat Ireland stated he remembered seeing a “blue” chair which was facing East (pushed up against the West wall).  Pat


Ireland stated he used the south side of that chair to pull himself up onto the window ledge. Pat Ireland described using the left side of his body to pull himself up onto the window ledge. IO clarified with Pat Ireland he would have been facing an Easterly direction (back to the West wall) at the time he engaged in that activity.

Pat Ireland reported once he was able to pull himself up onto the window ledge he then “swept glass away” in an effort to clear a path to crawl over. Pat Ireland told IO he did not recall feeling any pain in his head or foot from the time he awakened.

Pat Ireland stated his next recollection occurred as he had started to position himself on the window ledge. Pat Ireland stated it was at that point he began to hear “screaming.” Pat Ireland stated he did not initially understand what was being yelled but later heard someone telling him to “stay.” Pat Ireland reported to IO he was very “confused” at that point adding “I can’t see who’s yelling at me.”

Pat Ireland stated moments later he then heard a voice yell up to him it was “okay to jump.” Pat Ireland explained he next “leaned out the window.” Pat Ireland told IO he did not recall being caught or placed down onto the roof of the truck. According to Pat Ireland, he had no recollection of dropping out of the window of the library. Pat Ireland explained after leaning out the window of the library his next recollection was when he was being spoken to by emergency care personnel.

Pat Ireland related he remembered he was trying to tell emergency workers his name pointing out he believed he was responding to questions regarding contact information as it pertained to his father. Pat Ireland stated he believed that activity was occurring while inside an ambulance. Pat Ireland was unable to expound on that point.

Pat Ireland was next asked if he could recall any additional details related to this incident, either prior to or after he had been shot.Pat Ireland thought for a moment and then recalled hearing the suspects “laughing” prior to the time he was shot.

Pat Ireland indicated he was unable to recall any additional information at this time. IO would note it was pointed out by Dr. Schraa due to the nature of Pat Ireland’s injury it was possible as time went on he could recall additional details. Pat Ireland did agree to contact IO in the future if he had additional recollections.

In respect to Pat Ireland’s injuries, IO was informed the forenamed had two gunshot wounds to the head and one to the right foot. IO would note one of the projectiles lodged in Pat Ireland’s head was removed during surgery and turned over to law enforcement as evidence. As of the date of this interview, IO has not seen any medical reports associated with Pat Ireland. See the diagrams utilized by Pat Ireland for complete details.


Map of Columbine


Map of Ireland's escape

Previous Witness: AUSTIN EUBANKS


What really happened?

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