What really happened?

Austin Eubanks

Previous Witness: JENNIFER DOYLE
Next Witness: MAKAI HALL


Austin Eubanks’ Columbine Witness Testimony


11k page report – witness testimony

Witness Location:


Eubanks, Austin


CASE NUMBER: 99-038856
VICTIM: Eubanks, Stephen “Austin”
OFFENSE: AOA-J.C.S.D./Homicide
DATE OF REPORT: 04-27-99


Agent M. Greenwell
LPD Investigations Division
assigned case investigation;
(303) 987-7233

EUBANKS, Stephen “Austin”  DOB: 10-07-81
(303) 347-8911

shooting victim; in library with victim DePooter when shot; can ID suspects; PARENTS: Stephen & Joni Eubanks

Dr. Antuna

Adventist Littleton – Porter Hospital
attending physician


On Tuesday, 04-20-99, at approx. 1240 hrs., I responded to Adventist Littleton Hospital to interview victims and witness to the shooting at Columbine High School. When I arrived at the hospital, I interviewed several people, including Stephen “Austin” EUBANKS.

l asked Austin, after being treated for his injuries, what happened. Austin said he and his best friend, Corey DePooter, were sitting in the library when they heard noises which sounded like someone hammering against the wall. Austin said another student said it sounded like gunfire. Austin said it sounded as if it was coming from outside, to the North and West of the library. Austin said he felt the library start shaking and heard several explosions. About this time, Austin said several students came running into the library, along with a teacher, and the teacher was yelling to get under the tables as there were people with guns in the building. Austin said he


Corey, a female student identified as Jennifer Doyle, and an unknown freshman student all crawled under the same table. Austin said they were about the second from the last table. As they hid under the table, Austin said he heard “them” come into the room. When they came into the room, Austin said he heard a bomb go off, but it was not near where he was. Austin said he could hear “them” walking around the room randomly shooting under the tables. When “they” got to the table he was under, Austin said “Dylan” pointed his gun under the table, directly at Corey, and pulled the trigger. Austin said Dylan continued shooting under the table, but Austin had his head covered at this time. When Austin looked up, Corey had been shot and was bleeding profusely and Austin said he knew Corey was dead.

Austin said he then heard a male subject, elsewhere in the library, ask Dylan and Eric what they were doing. Dylan responded, “Killing people!” and told the male subject to get out and he heard running from the room. Then, Austin said he heard one of the subjects say something about doing something he has always wanted to do and he took a knife out of a side pocket on his pant leg. Austin believed they were going to go cut someone. Austin said someone said they left and they all got up and ran from the library, outside. Once outside, Austin said they were met by officers and told to get behind a police car as there was someone on the roof. Austin said he heard someone say there were three of them and he thought he heard the name [REDACTED].

I asked Austin if he knew the people shooting. Austin said he knows their first names, Dylan and Eric. Austin described Dylan as tall (6’02” to 6’04”), approx. 160 lbs., 17-18 years old, pale white complexion, blonde medium length hair, unshaven, “goofy looking”, wearing black cargo pants, but “no trench coat today!” I asked Austin what he meant by “no trench coat today!” Austin said Dylan is always seen in his trench coat, along with Eric


Next, I asked Austin to describe Eric. Austin said Eric is the shorter of the two and is approx. 5’10” to 5’11”, shorter hair in length, thin build, and walks “bow-legged”. Austin was not certain what Eric was wearing.

I asked Austin if he knew what [REDACTED] was wearing. Austin said he did not actually see [REDACTED] but heard [REDACTED] was with them and always sees [REDACTED] with Dylan and Eric at school.



I asked Austin if he saw what each of them was carrying. Austin said both had combat boots, body armor, shot guns, pipe bombs, and one had a knife on his pant leg. I asked Austin if he knew what was used to shoot Corey. Austin said it was a semi-automatic of some type, but was not certain if it was a rifle or handgun.

Austin was examined by Dr. Antuna and released after being examined. Austin’s injuries were to his right hand (index finger and small finger), and a two inch grazing type wound on his left knee. The injuries to Austin’s index finger required three stitches. Austin said he received the wound from either a bullet or fragment while under the table. Austin’s injuries were photographed by an Arapahoe County S.O. crime lab. photographer.

No additional information at this time.


Arvada Police/Court System
Arvada Police Department


Ref # 99-12067
Reported Date 04-20-1999
Time 12:39:32
Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET106 06-14-1999
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department 99-7625

On 04-29-99, Detective Boatright (IO) was assigned lead #DN1880, requesting he contact and interview Austin Eubanks. Within the narrative of the lead, IO was informed Austin Eubanks was in the library when the incident occurred. IO was also supplied information from Detective Kreutzer with the Golden Police Department who advised Austin Eubanks had initially been interviewed by Detective Greenwell with the Lakewood Police Department as he was being treated in a hospital emergency room.

On 05-04-99 at approximately 1200 hours, IO met with Austin Eubanks and his father, Steve Eubanks, at the Arvada Police Department. IO would note when setting up the interview, Steve Eubanks requested the interview of his son be conducted at the Arvada Police Department. Upon contact with Austin Eubanks, IO confirmed he is 17 years of age, DOB: 10-07-81. Austin Eubanks

resides at [REDACTED]. Austin Eubanks indicated he is presently a junior at

Columbine High School. As a point of clarification, Austin Eubanks’ father, Steve Eubanks, remained for the interview.

IO subsequently requested Austin Eubanks provide an account of his activities on 04-20-99, beginning at the time he arrived at school. Austin Eubanks told IO he normally receives a ride to school from his father as was the case this date. Austin Eubanks stated he believed his father dropped him off at school at approximately 0730 hours. Austin Eubanks indicated his father let him off in the Northeast faculty parking lot and he subsequently utilized the main East entrance to enter the school. Austin Eubanks told IO based on his recollection of that date he immediately went to his first period class. Pursuant to questioning, Austin Eubanks stated he did not recall seeing any unusual activity when he arrived at school.

Austin Eubanks indicated he went to his first period class which he identified as “World Lit.”     Austin Eubanks stated his first period class begins at approximately 0730 hours and concludes at approximately 0820 hours. Austin Eubanks identified his World Lit instructor as “Mr. Webb.” According to Austin Eubanks, his “World

Lit” class is located in the “East center section near the front of the school” (referring to the upper level)

Austin Eubanks reported he then attended his second period class which started at approximately 0825 hours and concluded at approximately 0920 hours. Austin Eubanks identified his second period class as “World of Work” which is taught by “Ms. Inman.” According to Austin Eubanks, his second period class was taught by a substitute on 04-20-99. Austin Eubanks did not recall the name of the substitute teacher. Austin Eubanks stated his “World of Work” is located on the main level of the school “towards the Northeast.” Austin Eubanks further referenced that classroom as the “clothing



Austin Eubanks reported he then attended his third period class which started at approximately 0925 hours and concluded at approximately 1015 hours. Austin Eubanks identified his third period class as “Chemistry” which is taught by “Mr. Friesen.” Austin Eubanks stated his “Chemistry” class is located on the main level of the school in the “Science area.”

In respect to his fourth period class, Austin Eubanks stated it began at approximately 1020 hours and concluded at approximately 1110 hours. Austin Eubanks identified his fourth period class as “Wood Shop” which is taught by “Mr. Asleson.” Austin Eubanks indicated his wood shop class is located on the main level of the school in the far Northeast section of the building.

Austin Eubanks reported after his fourth period class ended, he then met with his girlfriend, Andrea Banister, somewhere in the North hallway. Austin Eubanks pointed out he has “A Lunch,” thus he was not being rushed in terms of getting to fifth period. Austin Eubanks indicated it was his intention to go to the library that date adding he frequently met his friends at that location during “A Lunch.”

According to Austin Eubanks, after speaking with his girlfriend, he then walked directly to the library by himself. Austin Eubanks recalled arriving at the library “a couple of minutes after the bell” (referring to the bell which rings at 1115 hours signifying the start of 5th period). Pursuant to questioning, Austin Eubanks stated at the time he arrived at the library he was in possession of a blue backpack manufactured by “Abercrombie and Fitch.” Austin Eubanks indicated he proceeded West through the library and located several of his friends who were already present. Austin Eubanks identified those friends who were present as Corey DePooter (“best friend”), Makai Hall, and Daniel Steepleton. IO verified with Austin Eubanks all the forenamed were present when he arrived at the library. According to Austin Eubanks, those individuals were seated in the far West section of the library towards the “back.”

IO subsequently provided Austin Eubanks with two diagrams. The first diagram depicted the main level of the school while the second diagram depicted the library and the position of tables within that room. IO next asked Austin Eubanks to diagram the path he traveled when walking to the library. Austin Eubanks complied with IO’S request. IO then asked Austin Eubanks to identify the table he was seated after he arrived at the library. Austin Eubanks immediately pointed to what has been identified as table #15. Austin Eubanks was then asked to identify the location of each individual who was seated at that table using their initials. Austin Eubanks complied with IO’S request. IO would note Austin Eubanks placed himself on the Northeast corner while Corey DePooter


was on the Southeast corner of the table. In respect to Dan Steepleton, Austin Eubanks placed that individual on the Southwest corner of the table while Makai Hall was placed on the Northwest corner of the table. Austin Eubanks pointed out he knew Patrick Ireland was also located at table #15, however, felt the forenamed was not present when he arrived. Austin Eubanks stated it was his recollection that Patrick Ireland arrived in the library around the time the incident began. Austin Eubanks stated he remembered seeing Patrick Ireland up towards the front of the library possibly at the point Patricia Nielson entered. IO clarified with Austin Eubanks he was relatively certain Pat Ireland was not present at table #15 when he arrived and it was his recollection the forenamed entered the library at some point later.

When asked what he recalled occurring next, Austin Eubanks stated everyone at his table had begun to do homework or study. Austin Eubanks stated at approximately 1125 hours he began to hear what he first thought was “hammering.” Austin Eubanks described it as a “distant” sound.    Austin Eubanks stated after first hearing the sound he recalled Corey DePooter commenting he thought they were “gunshots.” Austin Eubanks indicated after Corey DePooter made that comment he too believed the sounds he was hearing were gunshots.

Austin Eubanks stated after hearing what he now believed were “seven” rapid gunshots there was a pause followed by “a couple more” (referring to additional gunshots). Austin Eubanks clarified it was during the breaks between gunshots that he recalled Corey DePooter making reference to his certainty what they were hearing were gunshots. Austin Eubanks indicated by the time he heard the second series of shots, he, too, was relatively certain they were gunshots.

Austin Eubanks stated he next observed Patricia Nielson enter the library. Austin Eubanks stated Patricia Nielson was running and appeared “scared and frantic.” Austin Eubanks stated he specifically recalled looking at his watch at the time Patricia Nielson entered the library and indicated the time was “1126” (referring to A.M.). Austin Eubanks stated at the point Patricia Nielson entered the library he recalled her yelling, “Where’s Ms. Keating, where’s Ms. Keating.”

Austin Eubanks indicated he did not believe Patricia Nielson was able to contact Ms. Keating but did remember the forenamed continuing to move West through the library and eventually went behind the main counter. Austin Eubanks told IO as Patricia Nielson went behind the main counter he recalled hearing the forenamed state, “That guy has a gun.” Austin Eubanks told IO it was at that point he observed Brian Anderson enter the library from the East entrance. Austin Eubanks told IO it appeared as though Brian Anderson was following Patricia Nielson into the library. Austin Eubanks stated he did not recall Brian Anderson making any


statements but remembered the forenamed had “blood on his shirt.” Austin Eubanks was uncertain as to where Brian Anderson went after entering the library. Austin Eubanks indicated he was distracted at that point, thus did not make any additional observations concerning Brian Anderson.

When asked what distracted him from Brian Anderson, Austin Eubanks indicated it was at that point Patricia Nielson began yelling, “Everyone get under the table, get under the table.” Austin Eubanks pointed out he believed Patricia Nielson was on the phone at the time she made the above statement phoning “911.” Austin Eubanks went onto indicate it was during that time he noticed numerous people in the library “standing around.” Austin Eubanks indicated he could not be specific in terms of who he saw standing around but believed the reason Patricia Nielson made the above statements was because she had made a similar observation.

According to Austin Eubanks, both he along with Corey DePooter grabbed their backpacks and moved quickly to the South end of the library. Austin Eubanks stated he along with Corey DePooter then walked behind the book shelves (to the south of the library) and then began to proceed North through the center section of the library. Austin Eubanks stated after only taking “a few steps” both he and Corey DePooter positioned themselves underneath table #14. Austin Eubanks then diagramed the path taken by he and Corey DePooter prior arriving at table #14.

Pursuant to questioning, Austin Eubanks stated he was not certain why he and Corey DePooter moved tables but was certain there had not been much of any discussion concerning that point. Austin Eubanks stated after reflecting on the incident he had no explanation for why both he and Corey DePooter took their backpacks with them when they moved tables. Austin Eubanks described Corey DePooter’s backpack as being red in color. As the line of questioning continued, Austin Eubanks was unable to provide any additional information concerning why he and Corey DePooter repositioned themselves at table #14.

When asked to describe who was present when he arrived at table #14, Austin Eubanks stated in addition to himself and Corey DePooter there was a blond haired male student (later identified as Peter Ball) located to the North end of the table (facing South) Austin Eubanks stated he also believed there was a female present at that time identified as Jennifer Doyle. According to Austin Eubanks, Jennifer Doyle was located at the far South end of the table on her knees facing in a Northeasterly direction.

Austin Eubanks next indicated he and Corey DePooter were located in between Peter Ball and Jennifer Doyle. Austin Eubanks described himself as being in a crouched position, primarily facing a Northeasterly direction (to the North of Corey DePooter). In respect to Corey DePooter, Austin Eubanks stated the forenamed was lying on his stomach with his legs “sticking out” (in a Southwesterly direction). IO clarified with Austin Eubanks Corey DePooter’s head would have been on the East side of the table and


he too would have been facing something of a Northeasterly direction. IO subsequently had Austin Eubanks diagram everyone’s position as it related to the people located under table #14.

Austin Eubanks stated after positioning himself under the table he began hearing “lots of gunshots and explosions.” Austin Eubanks further clarified he believes some of the “gunshots” were actually “shotgun” rounds being fired. Austin Eubanks stated he believed he could tell the difference between a gunshot, shotgun blasts and an explosion. Austin Eubanks clarified at the time he was hearing the “explosions” the “floor shook.” Austin Eubanks clarified he did not believe the suspects had entered the library when he made these initial observations. Austin Eubanks could not recall the number of gunshots/shotgun blasts or explosions he heard initially.

Austin Eubanks went on to explain during the same time frame he looked up towards the East doors (entrance) of the library at which time he made brief eye contact with Patricia Nielson (located behind the main counter of the library). Austin Eubanks stated Patricia Nielson then again yelled, “Get down.” Austin Eubanks stated he believed Patricia Nielson was speaking to him specifically when making that statement. When asked if he had come out from underneath the table, Austin Eubanks responded in the negative. Austin Eubanks stated he believed he had simply stuck his head out from underneath the table at the time he had made eye contact with Patricia Nielson.

Austin Eubanks stated it was a short time later the suspects entered the library. Pursuant to questioning, Austin Eubanks estimated it was approximately five minutes from the time he identified the noises he was initially hearing as gunshots to the point the suspects entered the library. Austin Eubanks stated he initially only saw one of the suspects enter the library. When asked to describe that suspect, Austin Eubanks stated he knew him by the first name of “Dylan.” Austin Eubanks indicated his knowledge of that person’s first name came from prior contacts at school. Austin Eubanks clarified he did not associate with either suspect but simply knew them from seeing them at school.

When asked to describe the person he referred to as “Dylan,” Austin Eubanks clarified he initially saw that individual when he was standing up “in front of the counter.”    IO clarified with Austin Eubanks he was referring to the main counter where he had initially seen Patricia Nielson hiding behind. IO further clarified when he initially saw the person referred to as “Dylan” that individual was in between the counter and the reference desk towards the center section of the library.

Austin Eubanks described “Dylan” as a white male in his late teens with “longer light brown hair.” Austin Eubanks stated “Dylan” was wearing a “black trench coat” with “black combat pants” and “boots.” Austin Eubanks clarified it appeared as though all of


the clothing worn by “Dylan” was black in color. When asked if the forenamed was in possession of a weapon, Austin Eubanks responded in the affirmative. Austin Eubanks told IO the person he referred to as “Dylan” was carrying a “Tec-9 in his left hand.” Austin Eubanks went onto describe that weapon as black in color with the “muzzle perforated.” Austin Eubanks pointed out other individuals had indicated “Dylan” was wearing a hat, however, he did not recall seeing one worn by that suspect. Austin Eubanks went onto state the other suspect in the company of “Dylan” was “Eric.”

Austin Eubanks stated he did not actually see Eric until later during this incident but knew Dylan was with someone else when he initially entered the library. IO clarified with Austin Eubanks he was positive as to his identification of “Dylan” and knew the forenamed was not alone when he entered the library. Austin Eubanks stated he based that belief on the fact there was conversation between Dylan and another individual.

Austin Eubanks reiterated it was not until later in the incident when he actually saw the other person and positively identified that individual as “Eric.” IO told Austin Eubanks he would address issues with “Eric” later in this interview. Austin Eubanks was next asked to describe what occurred when he first observed Dylan Klebold towards the center of the library between the main counter and the reference desk.

Austin Eubanks indicated Dylan Klebold was moving in a Westerly direction and at the point he initially observed him the forenamed was telling everyone to “stand up.” Austin Eubanks specifically recalled hearing Dylan Klebold yelling, “Get up.” Austin Eubanks stated Dylan Klebold may have made the above requests several times as he moved in a Westerly direction through the library.

Austin Eubanks stated he then heard gunshots and shotgun blasts coming from the West side of the library. Austin Eubanks also heard one of the suspects make the statement, “We’re gonna blow up the library.” Austin Eubanks then recalled the fire alarm being activated in the library. Austin Eubanks subsequently described the room becoming “smoky” and the fact it was difficult to hear because of the gunfire and fire alarm.

Austin Eubanks pointed out he believed there had also been some pipe bomb explosions occurring on the West side of the library. Austin Eubanks was unable to be more specific concerning what occurred on the West side of the library but believed the suspects had been over in that area for “a few minutes.”

Austin Eubanks stated he next began to hear gunshots coming from what he believed was either table #l, #2 or #3 on the East side of the library. Austin Eubanks stated there were numerous gunshots coming from that location. Austin Eubanks went onto indicate he heard what he thought was rapid gunfire and then a pause and possibly a single shot at different times when the suspects were on the East side of the library.


Pursuant to questioning, Austin Eubanks stated he was not exactly certain how the suspects went from the West section to the East section of the library. Austin Eubanks did indicate there was one point he believed one of the suspects had passed through a set of bookshelves from the far West section entering the center section and then continuing onto the far East section of the library. Austin Eubanks diagramed what he believed was possibly a path of travel for one of the suspects.

Austin Eubanks stated he believed the other suspect had walked to the East section of the library from the far North. Austin Eubanks then diagramed that movement. IO confirmed with Austin Eubanks he did not actually see either of the suspects moving in the manner indicated but based his belief on the fact he could hear movement which he thought would have been consistent with what he had previously described. Austin Eubanks was unable to be more specific concerning that point.

Austin Eubanks estimated the suspects were on the East side of the library for approximately “a minute or two” before he saw Dylan Klebold walk between the book shelves near tables #3 and #5. Austin Eubanks clarified Dylan Klebold was walking from the East into the center section of the library. According to Austin Eubanks, Eric Harris appeared from that same location moments later. IO confirmed with Austin Eubanks he had seen both Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris walk into the center section of the library from a separation between book shelves which he believed were near tables #3 and #5. Austin Eubanks clarified this was the first time he had actually seen Eric Harris.

IO again confirmed with Austin Eubanks the first time he had seen Eric Harris was when the forenamed entered the center section of the library. Austin Eubanks was then asked to describe Eric Harris. Austin Eubanks stated actually the only thing he noticed regarding Eric Harris was the forenamed’s “face and weapon.” Austin Eubanks stated he did not see Eric Harris as well as he had seen Dylan Klebold.    

When asked to describe what he had seen, Austin Eubanks stated Eric Harris is a white male with “brown hair cut short.” Austin Eubanks stated the one thing he specifically noticed regarding Eric Harris was the forenamed had “blood around his face.” When asked to be more specific, Austin Eubanks stated Eric Harris had what appeared to be “quite a bit of blood around his mouth, under his nose.” Austin Eubanks then stated he had seen Eric Harris holding what he described as a black or dark colored “rifle”. Austin Eubanks stated he was certain the weapon he had seen Eric Harris holding was not a shotgun. Austin Eubanks was unable to be more specific concerning Eric Harris’ description. Austin Eubanks did clarify he was positive as to his identification of Eric Harris based on seeing that individual in school prior to this date.

According to Austin Eubanks, at the point Dylan Klebold entered the center section of the library, he recalled the forenamed standing between tables 11 and 13. Austin Eubanks went


on to indicate at the point Eric Harris entered the center section of the library, he remembered hearing Dylan Klebold comment to the forenamed, “I’m out of ammo,” or “I’m out,” referring to the fact he needed to reload his weapon. Austin Eubanks stated he was not certain whether Dylan Klebold or Eric Harris reloaded weapons at that time. Austin Eubanks stated he did know at one point Dylan Klebold moved further West between tables 11 and 13. Austin Eubanks stated it was at that time he observed Eric Harris standing up towards the North end of table 11. Austin Eubanks explained it was also during that same time frame he heard a male student whom he believed was possibly under table 11 ask Dylan Klebold, “What are you doing?” Austin Eubanks stated Dylan Klebold responded, “Killing people.” Austin Eubanks stated he could not be positive as to the location of that student.

Austin Eubanks stated he next heard Dylan Klebold tell “someone” to leave the library. Austin Eubanks stated he was not certain if anyone actually left the library at that time. IO confirmed with Austin Eubanks he did not actually see anyone leaving the library at that point. Austin Eubanks stated his next recollection occurred when Dylan Klebold pointed the “Tec-9” under his table. According to Austin Eubanks, Dylan Klebold would have been standing Northeast from his table. Austin Eubanks then placed a “D” on the diagram indicating the location where Dylan Klebold was last seen as he pointed the Tec-9 under the table.

Austin Eubanks stated he then turned his head away just prior to the shots being fired. Austin Eubanks confirmed it was at that point Dylan Klebold fired numerous rapid rounds underneath table 14. Austin Eubanks estimated there were approximately seven rapid shots fired underneath table 14 at that point.

When asked as to the whereabouts of Eric Harris when those shots were fired, Austin Eubanks stated he believed the forenamed was located between tables 11 and 9. Austin Eubanks clarified the location where he believed Eric Harris was located was the last place he had seen the forenamed prior to Dylan Klebold shooting under table 14. When asked what happened after Dylan Klebold shot underneath table 14, Austin Eubanks stated he remembered being shot in his right hand injuring his index and little finger, along with his left knee. Austin Eubanks stated it was not until after Dylan Klebold had stopped firing his weapon did he realize he was actually injured. According to Austin Eubanks, all of the above referenced injuries were a result of gunfire.

Austin Eubanks stated after realizing he had been shot, within “seconds” he observed blood on the left arm of “Jenny” (referring to Jennifer Doyle). Austin Eubanks then recalled looking in the direction of Corey DePooter’s head and observed the forenamed had his eyes shut and there was “a lot of blood on his back.” Austin Eubanks stated Corey DePooter was also “moaning” at that time.


Austin Eubanks told IO after Dylan Klebold had finished firing under his table, he then “played dead.” According to Austin Eubanks, he was not looking around and simply kept his head down resting it on Corey DePooter’s backpack. Austin Eubanks stated he knew other individuals underneath table 14 had either been injured or killed. Austin Eubanks did not recall anyone moving under table 14 after Dylan Klebold finished firing his weapon.

Austin Eubanks stated after Dylan Klebold had fired his weapon in the manner indicated, he had a difficult time “hearing.” Austin Eubanks stated he did remember a short time later hearing Dylan Klebold state, “something about a knife and something he always wanted to do.” Austin Eubanks stated it was his “impression he (referring to Dylan Klebold) was talking about cutting or stabbing someone.” Austin Eubanks pointed out at no time during this incident did he see Dylan Klebold in possession of a knife. Austin Eubanks speculated Dylan Klebold must have made that statement somewhere near table 14, otherwise he would not have been able to hear the comment. Austin Eubanks again clarified he was having difficulty hearing after Dylan Klebold had fired his weapon under table 14.

Austin Eubanks stated it was his impression after Dylan Klebold had fired underneath his table both suspects proceeded North through the library and eventually exited. Austin Eubanks stated he did not recall hearing any additional gunshots in the center section of the library prior to the time he believed they had left. Austin Eubanks did indicate there were additional gunshots heard but he believed that occurred after the suspects had left the library. IO verified with Austin Eubanks based on his recollection, he did not believe additional rounds were fired in the center section of the library after the shooting occurred at table 14. IO further clarified any additional gunshots heard after that point would not have been in the center section.  IO further verified with Austin Eubanks that at some point later, he believed he was hearing gunshots outside the library.

Austin Eubanks estimated approximately three minutes after Dylan Klebold had fired under his table, he began to hear a lot of movement in the library. Austin Eubanks stated it was at that time he began seeing fellow students standing up and moving North through the library. Austin Eubanks was unable to be more specific concerning that point. Austin Eubanks did state upon making that observation, he was convinced the suspects had left the library and decided to flee the area. Austin Eubanks stated prior to moving from under the library, he did check Corey DePooter’s “pulse” (wrist area) and was unable to detect any signs of life. Austin Eubanks stated he then walked back around to the South of the library (behind the bookshelves) and approached table 15. Austin Eubanks stated it was at that point he grabbed Daniel Stapleton by his arm and helped the forenamed up as both proceeded towards the North exit of


the library. Austin Eubanks recalled when exiting the library, he along with numerous other people were moving in a “group.” Austin Eubanks stated at the point he reached the North library exit, he observed a police vehicle parked in a Northwesterly direction from that door. Austin Eubanks then pointed out he remembered seeing a “clip” which appeared to have been dropped near the library’s North exit door. Austin Eubanks stated he assumed it belonged to the suspects and was unable to provide any additional information concerning that point.

Austin Eubanks indicated he along with fellow students leaving the library then proceeded towards the police vehicle and ultimately positioned themselves behind that unit. Austin Eubanks stated it was at that point numerous individuals began receiving first-aid.  Austin Eubanks explained he subsequently provided his shirt to be used as a bandage for one of the injured students.

Austin Eubanks estimated he was located behind the marked police unit for approximately 15 minutes, after which three to four police vehicles arrived and began to move the most seriously injured students to safety. Austin Eubanks explained he was eventually evacuated and taken to a triage area.

Pursuant to questioning, Austin Eubanks estimated the suspects were in the library for a total of approximately “seven minutes.” Austin Eubanks then told IO he did not recall any additional information related to this incident.




Austin Eubanks was unable to supply any additional information related to this investigation. IO subsequently concluded his interview with Austin Eubanks. See the diagram prepared by Austin Eubanks for complete details.



Previous Witness: JENNIFER DOYLE
Next Witness: MAKAI HALL


What really happened?

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