What really happened?

Jennifer Doyle

Previous Witness: [none]


Jennifer Doyle’s Columbine Witness Testimony

11k page report – witness testimony

Witness Location:


Doyle, Jennifer


CASE TYPE: Assist to Jefferson County
DATE TYPED: 04-20-99

Investigator Kevin Heaton

On 04-20-99 at approximately 1335 hrs., this Investigator and Investigator James Rasmussen responded to Littleton Porter Hospital, located at 7700 S. Broadway, to interview shooting victims from Columbine High School in Jefferson County.

This Investigator and Investigator Rasmussen first interviewed a victim identified as:


DOYLE advised that after passing period for First Lunch, she was located in the library. DOYLE heard gunshots and bombs going off. DOYLE stated she was hiding under a desk in the library when two suspects entered.

The suspects were described as:

White males, 5’7”-5’8”, skinny build
Wearing black boots, pants, and trench coats
The suspects were randomly shooting at victims and at one time told everyone to stand up.

One of the suspects said he was waiting to do this for a long time.

The suspect asked the second suspect, “You know what else I’ve been waiting to do?” The second suspect said, “Yeah, stab someone.”

DOYLE said there were 30 to 40 people in the library and one victim, who she believes was killed, was laying on top of her.

DOYLE was able to run out the back door of the library to safety.

DOYLE sustained injuries to her right hand, to include breaks and fractures, from gunshot wounds.

DOYLE said she saw a long gun, but could not describe any other weapons. Investigator Rasmussen then interviewed a second victim identified as:




KYLER advised that he was running through the cafeteria to escape, when the shooting began. That there were chairs flying through the air and something struck him in the back and neck. That he believed he could escape, by hiding in a dark room near the computer room. KYLER stayed in the dark room until he was able to leave the building. KYLER saw one suspect wearing a trench coat, but could not identify the suspect further, nor what weapons he carried

Investigator Rasmussen was advised by Hospital Staff that KYLER had brunt trauma, injury to the back and spinal area. There was no additional information at this time.

Investigator Rasmussen then interviewed a third victim identified as:


JANKOWSKI a teacher at the school provided the following information. JANKOWSKI that she was in the teachers’ lounge, adjacent to the student cafeteria. having lunch Two fellow teachers were looking out he lounge window to the West.

They stated, “What’s going on.”

JANKOWSKI looked out the window  and saw two bloodied  students’  bodies, lying  on the grass. JANKOWSKI then began to hear, what she described as. loud explosions and gunshots along with screaming to the west of her location. JANKOWSKI thought the gunshots and screaming was moving her way. JANKOWSKI, two fellow teachers and two students, locked themselves in a bathroom  They  heard a  very loud explosion  and gunshots outside the bathroom.

They then decided to escape by going through the ceiling and she subsequently fell through the ceiling, back into the lounge This is when she injured her knees and back.

They decided the best way to survive was to open the door and try to escape the building. They did this and were successful. During her escape, JANKOWSKI never saw the suspects.



We then spoke with:

Jennifer Doyle DOB 01-19-82

Who stated the following:

That she is a junior at Columbine High School

That she was in the library when this happened and ended up under the table with three guys; Corey DePooter, unk male, little with blonde hair (Peter Ball), and Austin Eubanks.

That Corey had been shot. She was afraid he was dead because she was laying on top of him and she noticed ‘blood leaking out.’

That a kid came in the library who had been shot in the stomach. He told us to get under the table.

That she saw bullets bouncing off the wall.

That she heard gunshots and bombs and they kept getting louder. That she saw one of the bombs thrown out the window.

That they told them to come out from under the table. They then left the library and came back.

They asked someone if his name as John but John was gone.

That when they came back they pulled the chair out from the table.

She saw the black boots and thought it was the police.  One of the suspects then pointed his gun at  her and shot four times. She was struck in the right hand.

That she was sitting with her knees tucked up and her head was in her arms.

That she thought that the one who shot her was Eric Harris. She didn’t know his name prior to this incident but saw his picture on T.V. She said she was watching Channel 4 and it was the picture on the right side of the screen. He was wearing black boots and black pants and he was a dirty blonde.

That she heard one of them say to the other one, “Do you know what else I’ve been wanting to do? Stab someone.”



That Corey DePooter came up from the back of the library and got under the table.

That she had been sitting at the front table. She had a black backpack with a calculator in it.

That Austin Eubanks said (after the shooting), “We got to get out of here.” Ten to fifteen of them then ran to the back door and out of the school. They then ducked behind a police car.

That shots continued the entire time. She said they heard bombs going off. The cops said they were coming from the kitchen area.

That both suspects were carrying “long guns.”

That she only saw two people doing the shooting and throwing the bombs.


Detective Joan Schroer
(Detective Steve Johnson)






On 5-18-99, at about 0930 hours, I interviewed Jennifer Doyle at her residence. Jennifer was in the library at Columbine High School on 4-20-99 when the shootings occurred. I requested that Doyle begin with the beginning of her day and tell me her activities and observations.

Doyle stated that she parked her car in the Junior parking lot, facing Pierce, at about 0720 hours. She went to the Trigonometry class with Mr. Smith for first period. Second period she was in Science with Mr. Friesen. I asked her about the announcement made during that period. She stated that she doesn’t recall anything unusual from the announcements. Third period was Language Arts with Ms. Hoffman. Fourth period she went to Gym with Mr. Place. She stated that fourth period was out about ten minutes early, approximately 1100 hours. Doyle stated she has “A” lunch for fifth period.

Doyle stated that no one associated with the “Trench Coat Mafia” are in any of her classes. She stated she was not familiar with the group prior to the shootings. She had never seen Eric Harris before. She does remember Dylan Klebold because she went to elementary school with him at Governor’s Ranch Elementary. Both of them were in the CHIPS Program, which is a special program for advanced students. Doyle stated she had seen [REDACTED] before, in the hallway, but did not know him by name She does recall [REDACTED] being someone who wore a trench coat.

At 1100 hours,  Doyle went  down to the cafeteria. There she sat at a table which the map I showed her designated as table “E.”


She sat there with her friend, Eric Schmidt, for about five minutes. She stated that fellow student, Kelly Burgesser, joined them. Burgesser has fourth period off. Doyle stated that she saw nothing out of the ordinary when she was in the cafeteria. She did not observe anyone carrying anything heavy into the cafeteria, nor did she see the suspects or anyone associated with the “Trench Coat Mafia.”

She stated after about five minutes in the cafeteria she and Burgesser went upstairs to use the phones near the main office. She stated that Burgesser was not feeling well and was making a call to her parents to have them pick her up. After the phone call was made, Doyle went to the library, while Burgesser went back down to the cafeteria. I asked Doyle what route she took  to the library. She could not remember specifically, but thought that she went down the hallway between the Tech lab behind the language arts room, then West along the South main hall, then North to the library entrance.

When she entered the library, Doyle placed her backpack on a table. She indicated on the map that I showed her that this was table number one. At that same table was student Mark Kintgen. I asked Doyle who else she saw in the library. She stated that sitting in a chair next to the window at the library entrance was Val Schnurr. At the table designated as number 2 on the map were students Lisa Kreutz, Lauren Townsend, and Jeanna Park. At the table marked number 3 on the map were two students, Patti Blair and Ann Marie Hochhalter.

When Doyle first went into the library she went towards the West end to look for a friend. When she didn’t see the friend she went back to table number one. I asked Doyle if she made any observations outside the West windows. She stated she did not go that far and at that time nothing had caught her attention. When she returned to table one, a female teacher, whose name she did not know but identified as “the one who made the 9-l-1 call”, entered the library screaming that someone had a gun. The teacher was telling everyone, “Get under the tables!” After the teacher entered, a male student entered and was hunched over Although she did not see blood on the male student. she could tell that he was hurt. She stated then she took the matter seriously.

Doyle was going to get underneath table one, but thought that it did not provide enough cover for her. She thought she was too exposed. Doyle ran to the back of the library on the South. She hid underneath the table designated as number 14 on the map.


l asked her who was under the table with her. She stated Austin Eubanks, Corey DePooter, and Danny Mauser. She described Mauser as a male student with blond hair.

Doyle then began to hear gunshots and bombs going off. It sounded as if they were coming from the hallway in front of the library entrance. She did not see the suspects enter the library. She thought the suspects were in the library when she heard a male voice say, ‘”Get out from under the tables!” Doyle said no one moved.

Doyle had the impression that the gunmen left the library at this time. She stated she still heard gunshots, but the shots did not sound as loud. She thought the shots were perhaps coming from the hallway or downstairs. She stated that the gunshots were continuous.

Doyle stated that she was under table 14 for about five to ten minutes. She thought the suspects were gone. Then she heard a window shattering. She heard the comment from a male voice saying something to the effect that “the library’s going to go.” She said there was a panic sound to the male’s voice. At this point she thought that there was a bomb in the library and that the bomb was going to go off.

Doyle stated there was a male student sitting underneath the table that the map had designed as number 11. She stated that the male looked calm. She thought he was handling the situation much better than she was.

Doyle then heard the gunmen being very loud and laughing. She could not tell what their words were, and she could not distinguish how many voices were talking. She began to see bullets bouncing off the South wall near her. She described it as “little ball things bouncing off the wall.” She glanced up and saw a suspect, all in black, walking  between the book cases just to her East. l asked her which direction the suspect was walking. She stated she could not remember.

She then heard a male voice very close to her asking, “What’s your name?” The person responded, “John Savage.” The male responded, “Oh, we know you, get out of here.”‘ Doyle stated at this point she thought perhaps the police were in the library.


She thought that was why somebody was being let go. Just then, one of the suspects pulled a chair out from underneath table 14 where she was at. She glanced up and saw two sets of black boots standing to the East side of her table. One was next to the table, on the East. The other one was a little further away to the Northeast. She again thought perhaps it was the police because of the black boots. She glanced up to where she could see the entire bodies of the two individuals. They were white males. She stated she did not recognize them. She said that they were dressed in black. I asked her if the suspects were wearing masks. She stated they were not. She only glanced at them, then looked away.

Doyle stated that later that evening while in the hospital. she saw a T.V. news program which identified the two shooters as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. She stated she knows that the individual standing closest to her table was Dylan Klebold because he was taller and bigger than the other male.

Doyle stated that the gunmen, she later could identify as Klebold, had a shotgun which he was holding with both of his hands. I asked her if it was a single or double barrel shotgun. She stated she did not know. She stated there was another gun on Klebold’s left side. She stated “it was not a little gun” and that there was a piece coming out from the bottom of the gun. We looked at a newspaper which had silhouettes of the guns used in the shooting. She pointed out that the gun she was describing as being on Klebold’s left side was the Tec-9.

After Klebold pulled the chair out, he shot the shotgun underneath their table. I asked her if it was one shot or more than one shot. She thinks it was only one shot. Doyle had her right hand resting on Corey DePooter’s right shoulder when the shotgun blast occurred. She stated she began screaming. She stated she was probably screaming for a while because at one point she realized that she was screaming and that she needed to stop. When she stopped screaming she felt a tingling  sensation. described as “pins and needles”, in her right hand. She could  hear both male suspects laughing.  She put her head down on top of Corey DePooter’s back. Her head was facing to the West because she did not want the suspects to see her. She kept her eyes open, but was trying  to play dead. I asked Doyle if she saw any weapons being held by Eric Harris. She stated she did not.

Doyle looked at her hand and saw that she was wounded. She took Corey DePooter’s shirt and wrapped her hand in it. Doyle


stated she could see that there was a stream of blood flowing down along the left side of  DePooter. She stated she knew that he had been killed. She heard  DePooter breath his last. There were no conversations with DePooter. Doyle stated that prior to a gunman coming to her table, DePooter had been encouraging her and Eubanks by saying that everything was going to be all right.

The next comment she heard from the suspects was one saying, “You know what else I’ve wanted to do?” The other suspect replied, “Yeah, stab someone.” This was when Doyle kept her face to the West and did not move. She thought that if she moved she would be stabbed by the suspects.

I asked Doyle to describe her wounds. She described shotgun pellets. Three pellets entered her right hand (one crushed her ring finger, another one entered her wrist, and another one entered the back of her hand.) She stated that there were two exit wounds. one coming out in the thumb area, and one just below her pinky finger. Doyle has a metal plate and screws holding her ring finger together.

Doyle is unsure if any other shots were fired after she was injured. She stated that she felt as if most of the gunfire happened prior to her being shot. Doyle stated that she and Eubanks laid for a while underneath the table. When Doyle first thought that the suspects had left the library because it became quiet, she said something to Eubanks. Eubanks responded, “Shhh” and the two of them did not talk for a while.

At one point Eubanks tapped her and said, “We’ve got to get out of here.” The two of them backed out from under the table. Doyle believes they went towards the South wall and then ran North along the West wall where the windows are, then to the Northwest exit. Doyle remembers seeing a girl sitting down underneath the south computer table as she was running  towards the exit. She stated that the girl was injured. There were about 15 students at the exit trying to get out of the library.

Doyle could not remember anyone else underneath table 14 getting out and running when she and Eubanks did. She thought later on that


Doyle stated that when she exited the Northwest door of the library she ran behind a police car which was 20 to 30 feet away. She ran behind the police car where two police officers were positioned. She could not say whether shots were being fired at that time. She stated that the male students began to take off their shirts to use them to help with the wounded. It took a while, but police cars began coming up to evacuate the students. She stated she believes she was in the third police car which came to get students. She was taken to a neighborhood Southwest of the school. Doyle could not remember anything further about the incident.

I advised Doyle that Mauser had been found underneath table number 9. This surprised her. I told her that the student underneath table 14 had the last name of Ball. She looked his picture up in the yearbook and stated that she remembers the student as having blond hair, which Ball had. She does not recall anything that Ball did underneath their table or when he left the library.

Doyle stated she left a black backpack in the library which contained five black notebooks. The only thing of value in her backpack was a Tl82 calculator. Doyle stated she did not know her locker number, but she shares a locker with Burgesser.

My interview with Doyle concluded at about 1200 hours.






Name: Jennifer Doyle
Interview Date: 5-18-99
Detective/Agency: OBBEMA/JCSO
Location when incident started: LIBRARY
Table #: 14
Direction facing: East


Suspect #1

Suspect #2

Weapon Description
Suspect #1

Location Seen
Suspect #1

Suspect #2

Positive ID YES/NO (if yes explain)
Suspect #1

Key Observations:

  1. Saw Nielson & Brian Anderson enter library. Saw Anderson was bleeding.
  2. Heard suspects say “Get out from under tables!” Followed by gunshots, then a window shattering
  3. Saw “little ball things bouncing off the (South) wall” then saw suspect all in black walking between book cases to her East.
  4. Then heard male voice ask, “What’s your name?” reply “John Savage,” suspect “Oh, we know you, get out of here.”
  5. Sees two sets of black boots to East of table 14, looks up, sees two white males, taller suspect is suspect 1 who pulls out chair from table 14 & shoots DePooter with shotgun; injures Doyle’s hand.
  6. Hears suspects laughing & mention wanting to stab someone.

Previous Witness: [none] Next WitnessSTEPHEN AUSTIN EUBANKS


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