What really happened?

How Each Victim Escaped

How each injured victim escaped or was rescued

  • Mark Kintgen – “Mark Kintgen told IO he did not recall hearing any additional shots fired in the library after he had been shot. Mark Kintgen stated after realizing he was lying on the floor he then remembered seeing one of the girls whom he later identified as “Patti Blair” get up from underneath table #3. Mark Kintgen related he subsequently told Patti Blair he needed help, however, she did not respond to his request. Mark Kintgen stated he recalled seeing Patti Blair walk between the book shelves which separated the different sections of the library. Mark Kintgen stated at that point he crawled out from under table #l and walked between the book shelves and proceeded West through the library attempting to follow Patti Blair.”

    “When asked if he remembered anything else prior to seeing Patti Blair get up from underneath table #3, Mark Kintgen responded in the negative. Mark Kintgen told IO he assumed after the suspects had shot him they had left the library.” [p.55]

    “Mark Kintgen stated he could not recall the specific path of travel he took but did remember seeing someone lying under the table marked #9.” [p.56]

  • Lisa Kreutz – “After trying to get up and leave following the 2:30 bell, she remembers hearing the police yelling. The yelling was in the hallway from outside the library and the sounds sounded like they were in a hurry. She heard them come in and she called for help. One of the SWAT officers came over to her. This officer told her she was the only one alive in the library. They did not take her immediately out of the library and one SWAT officer stayed with her.

    The next thing she remembers is a paramedic coming in and talking to her about whether she was hurt. The paramedic rolled her onto her shoulder to look at her back and she remembers excruciating pain. She was put on a board and remembers hearing the officer saying they had to get her out of there in a hurry.” [pp.64-65]

  • Patrick Ireland – “It was at that point IO verified with Pat Ireland when he awakened he made a conscious decision to leave the library. When asked to elaborate on that point, Pat Ireland stated he remembered seeing the “windows” and thinking that was “my way out.” Pat Ireland then made reference to “escaping out the window.”

    Pat Ireland stated at some point after awakening and determining he was going to move towards the West windows, he started crawling across the floor. Pat Ireland stated at that point he was aware of the fact he could only use his left arm and left leg when engaging in that activity. Pat Ireland reported as he started to move in a Northwesterly direction towards the windows he believed he had “blacked out” several times before he reached his destination.

    Pat Ireland stated as he was crawling he did remember having to “move chairs.” Pat Ireland then described sliding chairs out of his way as he attempted to crawl in a Northwesterly direction towards the windows. Pat Ireland was unable to be more specific concerning that point.

    Pat Ireland was then asked to describe the path he believed he had taken when exiting the library. Pat Ireland subsequently drew a line beginning on the North side of table #15 in a Northwesterly direction which ended at the area where the West windows were located. Pat Ireland pointed out he had absolutely no idea how long it took him to crawl from his original position to the window where he eventually escaped the library. Pat Ireland did state when he arrived at the windows he realized he had lost his right shoe but again had no real explanation for how that occurred.” [p.43]

    Ireland stated he used the south side of that chair to pull himself up onto the window ledge. Pat Ireland described using the left side of his body to pull himself up onto the window ledge. IO clarified with Pat Ireland he would have been facing an Easterly direction (back to the West wall) at the time he engaged in that activity.

    Pat Ireland reported once he was able to pull himself up onto the window ledge he then “swept glass away” in an effort to clear a path to crawl over. Pat Ireland told IO he did not recall feeling any pain in his head or foot from the time he awakened.

    Pat Ireland stated his next recollection occurred as he had started to position himself on the window ledge. Pat Ireland stated it was at that point he began to hear “screaming.” Pat Ireland stated he did not initially understand what was being yelled but later heard someone telling him to “stay.” Pat Ireland reported to IO he was very “confused” at that point adding “I can’t see who’s yelling at me.”

    Pat Ireland stated moments later he then heard a voice yell up to him it was “okay to jump.” Pat Ireland explained he next “leaned out the window.” Pat Ireland told IO he did not recall being caught or placed down onto the roof of the truck. According to Pat Ireland, he had no recollection of dropping out of the window of the library. Pat Ireland explained after leaning out the window of the library his next recollection was when he was being spoken to by emergency care personnel.” [p.44]


What really happened?

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