What really happened?

Evan Todd



Evan Todd’s Columbine Witness Testimony

11k page report – witness testimony

Witness Location:


Todd, Evan


Arvada Police/Court System
Arvada Police Department

Ref #99-12067
Reported Date 04-20-1999
Time 12:39:32
Status RTF
Location 6201 S Pierce St

DET133 6-23-1999  
06-21-99/BOATRIGHT/SH/ APP8606

On 04-30-99, Det. Boatright (IO) was assigned lead #DN2272 requesting he contact and interview Evan Todd. Within the narrative of the lead, IO was informed Evan Todd was in the library when the incident occurred and had made observations relevant to this investigation. In addition, it was indicated Evan Todd was confronted by one of the suspects in the library and accused of being a “jock.”

On 05-05-99 at approximately 1140 hours, IO responded to [REDACTED]. Evan Todd, age 15, DOB: 06-17-83, sophomore at Columbine High School. At the time IO arrived at the Todd residence, he also met with Evan Todd’s mother, Jana Todd. IO would note Jana Todd did not remain for the interview.

Upon contact with Evan Todd, IO requested he provide an account of his activities on 04-20-99, beginning at the time he arrived at school. Evan Todd initially told IO upon the date in question, he was taken to school by his mother at approximately 0650 hours. Evan Todd stated his mother dropped him at the “North side of the building” which allowed him entry to the school via a North door located near the locker rooms (towards the West side of the building).

Evan Todd volunteered upon arriving at school, he did not notice anything unusual on follow up. When asked a related question, Evan Todd did indicate, “a couple of weeks” before (referring to a time period prior to 04-20-99) he noticed pieces of “cardboard” had been super glued over many of the locks for the doors. Evan Todd stated he believed the cardboard remained over the locks for “a couple of days” before they were all removed.

Evan Todd could not recall specifically all of the doors which had been glued in the manner indicated but knew the one he usually entered when arriving at school was one of those doors. Evan Todd went on to state he believed the gluing of the doors was simply a “senior prank.” Evan Todd added, he had no information indicating the gluing of the door locks had any bearing on this investigation.

Evan Todd was subsequently asked to continue with his recollection of the day (referring to 04-20-99), at the point he arrived at school. Evan Todd stated he initially went to his first period class, which he stated began at approximately 0700 hours and concluded at approximately 0820 hours. Evan Todd identified his first period class as “Advanced Weights” which was taught by “Coach Lowery.” According to Evan Todd, his “Advanced Weight Class” is located near the gym on the North side of the building.

Evan Todd reported he then attended his second period class, which started at approximately 0825 hours and concluded at approximately 0915 hours. Evan Todd identified his second period class as “science” taught by “Mr. Kraft.” Evan Todd stated his “science” class is located in the “Science wing” (near the library).


Evan Todd stated he then attended his third period class, which he stated began at approximately 0920 hours and concluded at approximately 1015 hours. Evan Todd identified his third period class as “Spanish” taught by “Ms. Killion” (spelling provided by Evan Todd). Evan Todd indicated his “Spanish Class” was located just East of the commons area in the lower level of the school.

In respect to his fourth period class, Evan Todd stated it began at approximately 1020 hours and concluded at approximately 1110 hours. Evan Todd indicated his fourth period class was “free,” thus, he was not required to be in a classroom. Evan Todd stated on this particular date, he decided to take his free period in the commons area. Evan Todd was subsequently handed a diagram used to identify the tables in the commons area. Evan Todd was asked to identify the location he was at during fourth period. Evan Todd subsequently circled tables identified as “U” and then “JJ.” Evan Todd stated he could not be positive whether or not he was at table “U” or “JJ.” IO subsequently confirmed with Evan Todd, he was in the company of four friends while at the above-described location.

Evan Todd identified his friends as James Celander, Eric Trujillo, Josh Bushman, and Mike Leary (spelling provided by Evan Todd}. When asked specifically, where everyone was seated, Evan Todd stated he was not positive. Evan Todd did indicate he was certain he was facing the West windows while seated at either table “U” or “JJ.” Pursuant to questioning, Evan Todd indicated there were probably an additional 50 students located in the commons area during fourth period. Evan Todd stated he could not be certain as to the location of all the other students but did indicate they were located throughout the commons area.

Evan Todd was next asked if he recalled seeing anything unusual while in the commons area during fourth period. Evan Todd initially responded in the negative, but then stated during the middle of the fourth period, he recalled seeing “Mr. DeAngelis” (principal of Columbine High School) running down the stairs to the commons area. IO confirmed with Evan Todd, he was referring to the inside stairs leading from the upper to the lower section of the school.

Evan Todd stated when Mr. DeAngelis arrived at the lower landing area, he stopped at the railing and began “looking around.” Evan Todd stated, at the time he thought Mr. DeAngelis “looked concerned,” but the forenamed then ran back up the stairs. Evan Todd stated he had no idea as to why Mr. DeAngelis had come to the commons area at that time. Evan Todd was unable to provide any additional information concerning Mr. DeAngelis. IO did verify with Evan Todd; he did not recall any other unusual occurrences during fourth period.

Evan Todd was then asked to describe what occurred at the end of fourth period.   Evan Todd stated he has been assigned “A lunch.” Evan Todd stated it was his intention to remain in the commons area for “A lunch,” but approximately three to five minutes after the


1110 bell rang, he remembered “Coach Lowery told me and Ryan to run during our free period.” Evan Todd stated he had simply forgot the direction given by Coach Lowery and he had not even made contact with “Ryan.” IO verified Evan Todd was referring to Ryan Barrett. Evan Todd stated, after he realized he did not meet up with Ryan Barrett to run during the free period as directed by Coach Lowery, he decided to “find Ryan.” Prior to continuing with Evan Todd’s explanation, IO asked what occurred at the point the 1110 bell rang, beginning fourth period.

In response to IO’s question, Evan Todd explained at the point the 1110 bell rang, he remembered “people starting to come in the commons area.” Evan Todd went on to state he remembered seeing “lots and lots of people” walk into the commons area after the 1110 bell. Evan Todd went on to state the above observation was considered “normal” due to the fact many students hurry to the commons area for “A lunch” so they can either get a seat or get up towards the front of the line. When asked again if he made any observations concerning unusual activity, Evan Todd responded in the negative.

When asked if he saw any students carrying items which he considered to be unusual, again Even Todd answered in the negative. Evan Todd was specifically asked if he had seen any students carrying what he would consider to be oversized backpacks or duffle bags. Evan Todd responded in the negative. Evan Todd pointed out seeing students carrying oversized duffle bags or backpacks would not be unusual. Evan Todd did clarify that even though he did not consider that activity to be unusual, he did not remember seeing anyone carrying in oversized backpacks or duffle bags. When asked if he remembered seeing anyone carrying a duffle bag into the commons area, Evan Todd responded in the negative.

IO subsequently told Evan Todd he would like to continue with his explanation of this incident. Evan Todd was asked to continue from the point he realized he had forgot to meet Ryan Barrett and run during fourth period as directed by his coach. Evan Todd stated he knew Ryan Barrett went to the library for “A lunch” on a regular basis. Evan Todd stated he subsequently decided to go to the library to contact the forenamed.

Evan Todd stated he subsequently went up the inside stairs which connected the commons area to the South main level hallway. According to Evan Todd, he did not make any unusual observations during that time. Evan Todd went on to state, after arriving at the top of the stairs, he then turned right and walked a short distance to the library. Evan Todd estimated he arrived at the library at approximately the same time as the bell rang for “fifth period.” When asked if he was in possession of any items when he arrived in the library, Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. Evan Todd stated he was carrying a “blue folder” and a book titled, “Of Mice and Men.”

IO subsequently handed Evan Todd a diagram of the library,



which he asked the forenamed to utilize during his explanation of the incident. Evan Todd next stated upon entering the library, he first remembered seeing “Sarah Houy,” whom he believed was at either table #3 or table #5.   Evan Todd indicated he subsequently waved to Sarah Houy and other people as he entered. Evan Todd stated he did not know the names of the other people he had waved at, pointing out he only knew them well enough to say hello. Evan Todd indicated he continued walking westbound through the library and eventually, came to the far west section where he observed Matt Kechter and Craig Scott seated at, what he believed was, table #16.

Evan Todd then pointed out he believed he saw Makai Hall at table #15, who was in the company of Dan Steepleton and Pat Ireland. Evan Todd reported he believed there were possibly other people at that same table (referring to table #15), however, he could not be certain. Evan Todd then added he knew there were other people seated at tables on the West side of the library, however, he did not know them.

Evan Todd stated after arriving in the west section of the library, he then found Ryan Barrett who was seated on the North side of the far North computer table. Evan Todd stated he believed Ryan Barrett was utilizing the “second computer in from the window.” At that point, Evan Todd then walked over to where Ryan Barrett was seated. According to Evan Todd, he sat down in a chair just east of where Ryan Barrett was located.

Evan Todd explained upon contact with Ryan Barrett, the two discussed the fact they did not run during their “free” period as requested by the coach. Evan Todd stated he, along with Ryan Barrett, decided to tell their coach they, in fact, ran during their “free” period and would simply make up the run after school. According to Evan Todd, Ryan Barrett agreed to mislead their coach as documented above.

After resolving the above issue, Evan Todd recalled Ryan Barrett had gotten up from his seat and walked over to the printer (near the main counter/West side). According to Evan Todd, Ryan Barrett was going to that location in order to retrieve a paper he had printed. Evan Todd stated moments after Ryan Barrett returned to his original location, he (Evan Todd) heard a “big boom.”    Evan Todd stated the aforementioned noise appeared to be coming from outside the library near the Northwest corner. According to Evan Todd, he had only been in the library approximately three to five minutes when he heard the above-described noise.

Pursuant to questioning, Evan Todd was unable to specifically identify what caused the noise at that time. Evan Todd did point out after hearing the noise, he looked around the library and it did not appear as though anyone was concerned. Evan Todd was unable to elaborate from that point.

Evan Todd stated approximately “fifteen seconds” after he had heard the original “big boom,” he began to hear “rapid fire


gunshots.” Evan Todd described the number of shots as being “a few more than ten.” When asked if he knew for certain what he had just heard were gunshots, Evan Todd responded by stating, “Not right away.” Evan Todd related it was soon thereafter, he identified the noises he was hearing as “explosions” and “gunshots.”

Evan Todd told IO after hearing what he had described as rapid gunshots, he then got up from the computer table and walked over to the west window. When looking out the west window, he noticed a “flash” in the parking lot near parking space “#129.” Evan Todd explained the reason he could identify the number of the parking space was because it belonged to his brother. Evan Todd added his brother did not go to school that day and had told a friend he could use his parking space. Evan Todd then identified his brother’s friend as “Ryan Foster.”

Evan Todd stated the vehicle parked in space #129 was a “black Explorer.” When asked to be more specific in terms of what he observed, Evan Todd reiterated he initially saw a “flash” in that area and then began to see “smoke all around the car.” When asked if he remembered hearing a noise associated with his visual observation, Evan Todd stated he could not recall.

Evan Todd stated after making the observation related to the “flash” and “smoke,” he then saw “kids on the soccer field running” in a Southwesterly direction. Evan Todd told IO he was uncertain as to specifically what caused those students to be running, but then heard a voice shout, “look at this fucker’s head.” In response to that comment, Evan Todd then heard a distinct second voice respond, “this is awesome.” IO clarified with Evan Todd the voices he heard were coming from outside the library, somewhere West to Northwest of his location.

Evan Todd stated he could not see anyone associated with the voices he heard. Evan Todd speculated the reason he could not see the individuals who were making the comments was due to the fact, they were either north of the library (towards the west entrance of the school) or they were too close to the building, thus he was unable to see them from the library window. IO also confirmed with Evan Todd, he was referring to the window which was directly to the west from where the most Northern computer table was located.

Evan Todd related he then turned around and began looking at activity occurring in the library. When asked to elaborate, Evan Todd explained he remembered seeing numerous individuals “looking around,” adding “some of them went to the window.” Evan Todd was unable to specifically identify any of the students whom he had seen at the west window. According to Evan Todd, he still did not detect a great deal of concern as it related to students who were located in the library. Evan Todd did clarify he had started to become concerned based on his observations.

After making the above observations, Evan Todd then heard a “shotgun blast from outside.” Evan Todd clarified the above


Statement by indicating he believed the shotgun blast was coming from outside the school. Evan Todd went on to indicate after hearing the shotgun blast, he then heard multiple “gunshots” coming from the same general area. For purposes of clarification, Evan Todd was indicating he believed the gunshots/shotgun blast was coming from outside the school, just North of the library. Evan Todd was indicating he believed the gunshots/shotgun blast was coming from outside the school, just North of the library. Evan Todd added he was certain the aforementioned sounds were not coming from inside the library but pointed out it was possible the shorts could have been coming from the West entrance area of the school.

Evan Todd indicated within moments, he then observed “Ms. Nielson” enter the library and immediately go behind the main counter. Evan Todd could not recall from which side “Ms. Nielson” traveled in order to position herself behind the counter. Evan Todd did recall moments after “Ms. Nielson” had arrived behind the counter, she began to yell, “everyone get down, now.” Evan Todd stated he next heard “Ms. Nielson” state, “there’s kids with guns.” Evan Todd indicated “Ms. Nielson” then “gets on the phone” presumably to call the police.

When asked if he recalled anyone else entering the library with “Ms. Nielson,” Evan Todd responded in the negative. Evan Todd did indicate when he first observed “Ms. Nielson” it appeared as though she was injured. When asked to elaborate, Evan Todd stated he could see “blood” on what he believed was “Ms. Nielson’s right shoulder.” When asked to describe what “Ms. Nielson” was wearing at the time, Evan Todd stated he believed it was a sweater, “real light in color.” Evan Todd was unable to provide any additional information concerning that point.

Evan Todd stated based on “Ms. Nielson’s” request, he then began to see “everyone getting under tables.” Evan Todd pointed out by this point, “Ms. Nielson” was still behind the counter, but had now gotten down on her “knees.” According to Evan Todd, “Ms. Nielson” was still talking on the phone.

Evan Todd was then asked to explain what he did at the point he began to see everyone concealing themselves under tables. Evan Todd stated at that point, he had begun to walk in a Westerly direction between the two computer tables. Evan Todd stated he eventually wound up on the West side of the “pillar” which is located on the far West end of the main counter. Evan Todd pointed out he believed he had moved a computer chair with him for the purpose of possibly using it as a weapon. Evan Todd clarified to IO, at this point, he realized this was a serious situation and there were people armed with weapons somewhere around the school.

IO did confirm with Evan Todd, he initially took up a standing position behind the pillar located to the far West of the main counter. Evan Todd could not recall the exact location of the computer chair, but believed it was somewhere near where he was standing.

Evan Todd stated very soon after he had taken up a position


behind the “pillar,” he then heard “two bombs in the hallway” followed by “multiple gunshots and a shotgun blast.” Pursuant to questioning, Evan Todd told IO he was able to distinguish between explosions, gunshots, and shotgun blasts. Evan Todd stated he did have experience with firearms; thus, he was able to distinguish between a shotgun being fired, versus a gunshot. Evan Todd went on to indicate the “explosions” also made a very unique sound which he did not associate with any type of gunshot/shotgun blasts.

Evan Todd stated immediately after hearing the above-described sounds, he looked around the “pillar” (left side) at which time he saw “Eric” standing in the hall, directly outside the library. When asked if he actually knew that individual as “Eric,” Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. Evan Todd explained he would see Eric Harris at school “almost every day.” Evan Todd went on to state he also confirmed Eric Harris’ name based on T.V. reports subsequent to this incident. Evan Todd explained during the course of this incident, he basically came “face to face” with both Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. IO told Evan Todd he would discuss that issue with him later in this interview. Evan Todd was then asked to provide a description of the person he referred to as Eric Harris.

Evan Todd described Eric Harris as a white male, approximately 18 years of age, with light colored hair, which was cut short. In terms of his size, Evan Todd stated Eric Harris appeared short in height (no additional) and described his build as “thin.” Evan Todd described Eric Harris’ clothing as a white t-shirt with black pants and black combat boots. Evan Todd specifically pointed out at the ankles (towards the top of the combat boots) he observed gray duct tape, which appeared to be “holding some kind of box against his ankle.”

Evan Todd went on to state, Eric Harris was also wearing some type of vest which cris-crossed his chest. Evan Todd recalled seeing “bullets” in the vest style garment. Evan Todd stated he believed the vest described above was black in color. Evan Todd went on to indicate, at the time he observed Eric Harris, the forenamed was in possession of a “pump action shotgun.” Evan Todd seated he believed the shotgun had been “sawed off.”

IO next asked Evan Todd to describe what occurred after he made his first observation of Eric Harris in the hallway, directly outside the doors of the library. Evan Todd stated at the time he observed Eric Harris, he saw the forenamed throw a “stick” type object (shaped like “dynamite”).  Evan Todd stated the only other description concerning the device he saw Eric Harris throw was that it had some type of “red color” attached to it and it also appeared to have some type of “flame” at the time it was thrown. According to Evan Todd, the item described above was thrown by Eric Harris in a Southerly direction from the area directly adjacent to the entrance of the library. Evan Todd stated moments after Eric Harris threw the above-described object, he heard a loud explosion.”


Evan Todd explained after hearing the “explosion,” he then observed Eric Harris continue South in the hallway, after which he heard at least “two to three shotgun blasts.” Evan Todd stated he did not see Eric Harris again for approximately 30 seconds.

Evan Todd related approximately 30 seconds after he had seen Eric Harris walk South in the hall directly outside the library, the forenamed returned. Evan Todd stated as he stood behind the “pillar” he looked around the right side (South) and again, observed Eric Harris standing directly outside the doors to the library, holding the above-described shotgun. Evan Todd indicated Eric Harris looked into the library and made eye contact with him. Evan Todd then stated Eric Harris immediately “racks a round” (referring to the shotgun) and fired the weapon. According to Evan Todd, at the point he observed Eric Harris work the pump action for the shotgun, the forenamed then pointed the weapon into the library. Evan Todd stated the shotgun was pointed in his direction at that time.

Evan Todd stated it was obvious Eric Harris had seen him peering around the South side of the “pillar” at the point he charged the weapon and pointed it into the library. Evan Todd explained he immediately “ducked behind the copier.” Evan Todd stated it was then Eric Harris fired the first round of the shotgun which entered the library. According to Evan Todd, there was possibly a second shotgun blast which immediately followed the first. Evan Todd clarified he had taken up a point of concealment behind a wooden counter which held up, what he believed, was a “copy machine.”

Evan Todd stated he knew one of the shotgun rounds had struck the wood counter, which caused “splinters to fly.” Evan Todd stated his left eye, along with his back, was injured at the time the shotgun rounds were fired in the manner indicated above. According to Evan Todd, his father photographed the injury to his eye, as well as his back.

For purposes of clarification, IO verified with Evan Todd the wooden cabinet which he believed held up the “copier” was located directly to the North of the far West main counter area. Evan Todd stated from the position he was originally at (behind the “pillar”), he simply “dove low” concealing himself behind the wooden counter, just prior to the shotgun being fired.     

According to Evan Todd, he was absolutely positive it was Eric Harris that fired the initial shotgun rounds into the library. As Evan Todd continued to reflect on that incident, he stated he was now certain there were two shotgun rounds fired in his direction at the time he observed Eric Harris point the shotgun in his direction. Evan Todd told IO, up to this point, he had not seen Dylan Klebold in the hallway or in the library.

IO next asked Evan Todd to explain what occurred after Eric Harris fired two shotgun rounds in his direction. Evan Todd reiterated he was slightly injured as a result of the shotgun rounds fired in his direction. Evan Todd again told IO he believed


his eyes. his eyes, along with his back, had been injured from “wood splinters” that struck him as a result of the shotgun rounds being fired in his direction. Evan Todd pointed out his father had photographed both injuries.

Evan Todd was again asked to explain what occurred after Eric Harris initially fired two shotgun rounds into the library. Evan Todd stated he next recalled seeing the room begin to fill with “smoke.” Evan Todd stated he believed it was also around the same time frame that he heard the “fire alarm go off.” Evan Todd stated it was his belief as the suspects entered the library, they may have fired additional shotgun rounds as they moved in a Westerly direction.

Evan Todd explained he remained on the West side of the main counter, concealed behind the wooden desk area, until he began to hear voices. IO confirmed with Evan Todd, after the first two shotgun blasts were fired into the library by Eric Harris, he then heard what he thought were additional shotgun rounds being fired as the suspects entered the library moving West. Evan Todd stated he could not be certain where those shotgun rounds struck but felt confident, he could hear what sounded like movement of the suspects through the library heading in a Westerly direction.

Evan Todd stated he was certain about his above observation when he began to hear “voices.” Evan Todd stated it was very clear the voices were coming towards him, as the suspects moved into the library. Evan Todd stated when he began hearing the voices and confirmed to himself the suspects were walking West into the library, he then began to move around back behind the main counter area. Evan Todd stated after going around the North end of the main counter, he found a large open space underneath the main counter area, where he took up a place of concealment.

Evan Todd described that above movement occurring as the suspects were moving West through the library, pointing out he was moving East behind the main counter as the suspects were moving West on the other side of the counter. Evan Todd stated he was trying to stay “parallel” to the suspects, feeling that was his best chance for concealment at that point. Evan Todd told IO he did not see Ms. Nielson behind the main counter when he arrived at that location.

When asked if he could hear what the suspects were stating as he was moving in the manner indicated, Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. Evan Todd stated he was certain one of the suspects made the statement, “all jocks stand up.” Evan Todd stated he then heard additional gunshots and possibly additional statements; however, he could not be more specific at that point.

Evan Todd stated he eventually confirmed to himself the suspects were on the far West side of the library. Evan Todd stated he based that belief on the fact he could hear their voices. When asked if he could hear specifically what was being said, Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. Evan Todd stated he could not


recall everything that he heard at the time but did not remember certain things that were said. When asked to relate that information, Evan Todd stated he next recalled hearing one of the suspects state, “hey, stop nigger.” Evan Todd stated a second voice then responded, “yeah, we don’t like niggers.” Evan Todd related after hearing the above comments (and possibly more) he then heard approximately three to four gunshots, followed by someone yelling, “woohoo.” Evan Todd clarified the aforementioned quote was some type of excited utterance, which he believed came from one of the suspects. Evan Todd stated he next heard one of the suspects state, “Wow, look at his nigger’s brains.”

In response to that comment, Evan Todd heard another voice respond, “Yeah, we’re never seen a nigger’s brains before.” Evan Todd told IO, it was at this point during the incident, he confirmed to himself people in the library were actually being shot. At this point, Evan Todd pulled one of the chairs/stools in front of himself in an effort to provide additional concealment. IO confirmed with Evan Todd, he was still located under the main counter, facing a Northwesterly direction.

Evan Todd told IO he next heard one of the suspects state words to the effect, “This is about revenge time for all you jocks making us outcasts.” Evan Todd clarified the above statement by indicating he knew the above statement was made while the suspects were on the West side of the library, however, he could not be positive as to the sequence of when that statement was made.

Evan Todd stated shortly after the “nigger comment,” followed by the gunshots, he then began to hear gunshots on the East side of the library. Evan Todd confirmed to IO, based on his location (concealed under the North side of the main counter), he could not actually see the suspects and was basing all of his observations on sound. When asked if he knew how many gunshots he initially heard when it was believed the suspects had gone to the East side of the library Evan Todd stated he was uncertain. Evan Todd related even though he did not count the number of shots he initially hears on the East side of the library, he felt they were numerous. Evan Todd pointed out another reason he believed the suspects had gone to the East side (other than hearing gunshots) was the fact he began to hear “a girl scream.”

Pursuant to questioning, Evan Todd confirmed after he began to hear numerous gunshots on the East side of the library, he then heard a female scream. Evan Todd told IO it was his belief the female he heard scream was located somewhere in the Northeast section of the library. When asked if he could elaborate concerning the female scream, Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. Evan Todd next indicated the female he heard screaming was “Cassie.” Evan Todd went on to state he heard “Cassie” scream the following, “Please God, save me, God help me.” IO again confirmed with Evan Todd, he was certain the aforementioned screams were coming from the Northeast section of the


Library. Evan Todd then pointed to the library diagram, indicating he heard the screams coming from the area near table #1 or #2. When asked how he knew the female screaming was “Cassie,” Evan Todd stated he received that information via the news media. IO clarified with Evan Todd, the only reason he was referring to the female screaming as “Cassie” was because he had heard news reports indicating that Cassie Bernall had made reference to God, prior to being fatally shot. IO did not pursue that issue with Evan Todd further.

IO subsequently summarized with Evan Todd he began to hear numerous gunshots coming from the East side of the library, followed by a female screaming. Specifically, Evan Todd confirmed he heard a female scream, “Please God, save me, God help me.” When asked if he heard any other comments after that statement, Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. Evan Todd stated after the female screamed the above statement, he heard what he believed was one of the suspects respond, “You believe in God?” Evan Todd stated the female then replied, “yeah.” Evan Todd stated after the female confirmed her belief in God, he again heard a male suspect state, “God is gay.” Evan Todd related the female responded to the suspect’s comment by stating, “Go with God and you’11 be saved.” Evan Todd reported moments later, he again heard multiple gunshots.

Evan Todd related within the minutes that followed, he continued to hear sporadic gunshots and possibly an explosion. Evan Todd stated in respect to the additional gunshots and explosion, he believed those sounds were coming from the Southeast section of the library. Evan Todd reiterated he could not be more specific concerning that point.

Evan Todd stated very soon after hearing the last gunshot or series of gunshots, he then observed “Dylan coming around the counter.” When asked to elaborate, Evan Todd repeated after the gunshots had stopped, he then observed Dylan Klebold walk around the main counter from the West. IO confirmed with Evan Todd, he was indicating Dylan Klebold was now on the North side of the counter and had come from the West.

Evan Todd was then asked to describe the person he identified as Dylan Klebold. Prior to receiving that description, IO did verify with Evan Todd, he previously knew the forenamed as “Dylan from seeing him around school almost every day.” Evan Todd further clarified after seeing news reports of this incident, he was positive the person he was going to identify was Dylan Klebold. IO verified his positive identification came from photographs he had seen in news accounts. Evan Todd added he was “certain” as to his identification of Dylan Klebold, due to the fact “we were face to face. He was right up in my face.”

Evan Todd described Dylan Klebold as a white male, approximately 18 years of age, with “long dirty blond hair.” Evan Todd added in respect to Dylan Klebold’s hair, it seemed to be somewhat “curly.” As Evan Todd was describing Dylan Klebold’s


hair, he stated the suspect was wearing a black ball cap with a “Boston” logo. Evan Todd indicated the ball cap was worn backwards. After making that statement, Evan Todd noticed it was his impression upon seeing Dylan Klebold, the forenamed “looked like a clown.” When asked to elaborate, Evan Todd stated what he meant was Dylan Klebold’s ballcap seemed to be somewhat tight around the top of his head and then the hair on the sides stuck out, similar to a way a clown might look.

Evan Todd stated Dylan Klebold’s t-shirt was black and had “red and white writing on it.” Evan Todd stated it was his belief Dylan Klebold wore some type of “crossing straps” over the t-shirt, which held “shotgun shells.” In respect to Dylan Klebold’s pants, Evan Todd stated they were “black Army style, with cargo pockets.” Evan Todd also recalled Dylan Klebold wore a “holster” on his left side and had on “black boots.”

IO next asked Evan Todd to continue with his explanation of the incident, beginning at the point Dylan Klebold walked around the West side of the main counter. Evan Todd related at that point, he was able to see Dylan Klebold and watched the forenamed “check the door on the magazine room.” Specifically, Evan Todd was describing Dylan Klebold walking up to the magazine room (door closed) and turning the doorknob. Evan Todd stated it was obvious the door to the magazine room was locked. After engaging in that activity, Dylan Klebold was then seen moving to the doorway of the room directly to the East of the magazine room. Evan Todd indicated the door was open on the room to the East. At that point, Dylan Klebold “sweeps the room with his Tec-9.”

Evan Todd explained after Dylan Klebold performed the above action, he then turned around and walked back in his (Evan Todd’s) direction. Evan Todd stated at that point, Dylan Klebold “pulls out the chair and points the Tec-9 right in my face.” According to Evan Todd, Dylan Klebold was holding the Tec-9 in his left hand.

Evan Todd then heard Dylan Klebold state, “Oh look what we have here.” Evan Todd told IO almost at the same time, he then observed Eric Harris approaching his location from the East side. IO confirmed with Evan Todd, Eric Harris was also now on the North side of the main counter. Evan Todd did point out when he observed Eric Harris at that point, the forenamed looked as though he had a “broken nose.”

When asked to elaborate, Evan Todd stated it appeared as though Eric Harris’ nose was pushed off to the side slightly and he had a noticeable amount of blood smeared around his nose and mouth, down to the chin area. Evan Todd went on to state Eric Harris appeared somewhat “dizzy” adding the forenamed was “wobbly.” When asked to further describe that observation, Evan Todd stated it was obvious to him, Eric Harris was somehow injured and was having to “catch his balance.” Evan Todd was unable to be any more specific concerning that point.

When asked what occurred after Eric Harris approached his location from the East, Evan Todd reiterated around that same time frame, Dylan Klebold had made the statement, “Oh, look what we have


here.” According to Evan Todd, Eric Harris responded by stating, “What?” Dylan Klebold then replied, “Just some fat fuck.” Evan Todd then explained Dylan Klebold began to question him while still pointing the Tec-9 up towards his face. Evan Todd stated Dylan Klebold subsequently asked, “Are you a jock?” According to Evan Todd, he responded, “No.” Evan Todd stated Dylan Klebold next commented, “Well, that’s good, we don’t like jocks.” Evan Todd stated there was a brief pause, after which Dylan Klebold said, “Let me see your face.”

At that point, Evan Todd stated he removed his hat and tilted his face in an upward direction. According to Evan Todd, Dylan Klebold looked him straight in the eyes and stated, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you.” Evan Todd told IO he responded, “I don’t want to get in trouble.” Evan Todd told IO he had absolutely no idea why he responded to Dylan Klebold’s question in the manner indicated above.

Evan Todd told IO after responding to Dylan Klebold by stating, “I don’t want to get in trouble,” the forenamed became angry and leaned down closer to him, stating, “Trouble? You don’t even know what fucking trouble is.” Evan Todd then attempted to provide additional clarification reference his above comment. Evan Todd indicated he responded to Dylan Klebold by stating, “That’s not what I meant, I mean, I don’t have a problem with you guys, I never will, and I never did.” Evan Todd explained Dylan Klebold continued to stare at him for a moment and then looked away, stating “I’m gonna let this fat fuck live, you can have at him if you want to.”

According to Evan Todd, it appeared as though Eric Harris was not paying any particular attention to what Dylan Klebold had just said. When asked to elaborate, Evan Todd indicated Eric Harris never acknowledged Dylan Klebold’s statement and simply responded by stating, “let’s go to the commons.” According to Evan Todd, both suspects then disengaged contact with him. Pursuant to questioning, Evan Todd confirmed during the above confrontation, Dylan Klebold continuously pointed the Tec-9 at his head and face area. Evan Todd described the Tec-9 as being black in color, shaped like an “Uzi.”

When asked what occurred after the suspects disengaged the confrontation, Evan Todd stated he watched Eric Harris begin walking East towards the exit of the library. Evan Todd clarified it was at this point Dylan Klebold finally lowered his weapon and completely turned away. Evan Todd stated it was almost immediately after that point, he watched Dylan Klebold pick up a chair located behind the counter and throw it down on a computer positioned on top of the counter.

Evan Todd reported he next observed Dylan Klebold walking backwards (to the East), while he utilized a “sweeping” motion with his gun. Evan Todd stated he then watched Eric Harris engage in the same activity as he exited the library and walked out into the hall Evan Todd related Dylan Klebold subsequently followed Eric Harris out into the hallway. Evan Todd stated once both suspects


had entered the library, he never saw either one of them again.

Evan Todd explained once the suspects had left the library, he began to hear what he thought were “explosions” coming from outside the library area. Evan Todd speculated the explosions were occurring somewhere in the hallway; however, he could not be more specific concerning that point. Evan Todd was unable to recall the number of explosions he heard.

Evan Todd stated approximately one minute after he heard the explosions stop, he then looked up across the main counter of the library (Southerly direction). Evan Todd stated he did not see anyone in the library, nor could he see the suspects in the hallway, directly outside the library. Evan Todd speculated only “a few minutes” had passed from the time the suspects had left the library and the peered up over the main counter. Evan Todd told IO after making the above observations, he then moved from his location behind the counter into a room directly North of that area. Evan Todd told IO the room he entered then connected to the “RNN” room (Rebel News Network room).

Evan Todd stated the reason he moved was because he feared the suspects returning to the library and confronting him again. Evan Todd then explained during the course of this incident, he feared being killed and assumed if the suspects came back, that fear may become a reality. IO subsequently asked Evan Todd to diagram the path he took when repositioning himself into the “RNN” room. Evan Todd then documented his path of travel on the diagram. IO would note Evan Todd identified the room he went into as the “RNN Studio.”

When asked what occurred after entering the “RNN” room, Evan Todd stated he took cover behind what he later identified as “scenery.” Evan Todd stated he realized where he initially was hiding while in the “RNN” room did not provide him any cover if the suspects returned. Evan Todd described what he was hiding behind as some type of canvas scenery or a curtain. Evan Todd stated he then moved from that location to the “RNN” news desk. Evan Todd stated the aforementioned desk was somewhat “sturdy” and felt that would provide a better source of cover. Evan Todd stated he then moved to that location.

Evan Todd estimated he was hiding under the “RNN” news desk for approximately one to two minutes, when he began to hear what he referred to as a “stampede.” Evan Todd stated from behind that desk, he was able to look up towards the West door and saw through the window numerous people traveling in a Northerly direction. Evan Todd stated it did not appear as though any of the students were being “chased.”

Evan Todd stated he then decided he would attempt to flee the library. Evan Todd explained he then came up from behind the news desk and made his way to the West door. Evan Todd stated he looked out the window to the door and, again, did not see any immediate threat. Evan Todd stated he then opened the door and went out into the hall and proceeded North towards the North library exit. According to Evan Todd, there were no other


students or individuals in that hallway at the time. Evan Todd stated as he exited the North library door, he then observed a marked police vehicle parked to the Northwest of that location. Evan Todd stated he ran to the marked police vehicle where he observed approximately 30 to 40 other students. Evan Todd stated the students had taken up cover behind the marked patrol unit. Evan Todd pointed out it was at that point he was reunited with Ryan Barrett.

Evan Todd stated after being reunited with his friend, both were directed to move back to an area behind the “shed.” Evan Todd stated the shed was located to the West of where the marked police vehicle was positioned. Evan Todd explained when he and Ryan Barrett arrived at that location, there was a deputy sheriff present.

Evan Todd clarified he and Ryan Barrett were not the only students who had repositioned themselves to a location behind the shed. Evan Todd stated from what he could tell, many of the students were being shuttled from the police car to the shed as they arrived. Evan Todd stated after he arrived at the shed, he initially stayed with a student he identified as “Mike Johnson,” pointing out the forenamed was “covered in blood.” Evan Todd told IO “Mike Johnson” was laying on the ground behind the shed and complained that his “feet were getting cold.” Evan Todd stated he held “Mike Johnson’s hand” and attempted to reassure him he would survive.

Evan Todd then recalled approximately three more girls arriving behind the shed, pointing out one was “missing her shoulder.” In respect to the other two girls, Evan Todd stated one was possibly shot in the “stomach,” while the third was also bleeding, however, he did not know the origin of her injury.

Evan Todd explained while waiting with the injured students, a “train of about four or five cop cars come up.” Evan Todd stated the police cars were used to shuttle students to an area of safety. Evan Todd explained it was his belief the most seriously wounded were removed from the area first.

When asked if he recalled any additional details related to this incident, Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. Evan Todd stated when he arrived at either the patrol car or the shed area, he remembered telling one of the officers there were two suspects, one of which was armed with an “Uzi,” referring to the Tec-9. Evan Todd stated he also pointed out one of the suspects was armed with a “sawed off shotgun” and they possibly had bombs.

Evan Todd stated he was ultimately removed from the scene via one of the police cars used to shuttle the students. Evan Todd stated he believed he was shuttled out of the area with “Mike Johnson” and Ryan Barrett. Evan Todd stated he, along with the


forenamed, were taken to a cul-de-sac where he observed numerous people being provided with first aid, Evan Todd stated he believed parents had also stated he believed parents had also started to congregate in that area.

Evan Todd explained shortly after arriving at the cul-de-sac, he along with Ryan Barrett, then left on foot and walked to Ryan Barrett’s residence. Evan Todd stated when he arrived at his friend’s home, he then called his parents and was picked up by his brother. Evan Todd indicated he was returned home safely.

When asked if he received any treatment for his injuries, Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. Evan Todd explained he was not taken to a hospital, however, went to a nearby clinic and was treated and released. During that discussion, Evan Todd again identified his injuries as abrasions to his left eyelid and also to the left side of his back. Evan Todd indicated he was bleeding from both of those injuries. IO was able to observe what appeared to be a small injury in the process of healing on the left eyelid of Evan Todd.

Evan Todd then displayed to the IO the injury to his back. Again, IO observed what appeared to be an injury which was healing and had actually scabbed. The main injury appeared to be approximately ½ inch long, while there were smaller, similar type injuries surrounding the same area. For purposes of clarification, the injury to the back was located in the left upper area of the back. IO again confirmed with Evan Todd, his father had photographed those injuries. Evan Todd indicated his family would make those photographs available to the police if necessary.

When asked to describe what he was wearing that date, Evan Todd stated he was wearing a blue and grey outer shirt and a white undershirt. In addition, Evan Todd stated he was wearing blue shorts. When asked if he still maintained possession of that clothing, Evan Todd responded in the affirmative. IO subsequently asked if he could see the clothing. Evan Todd subsequently left the interview and returned moments later. At that time, Evan Todd held up a white t-shirt and on the back side, IO could see small holes, in addition to a small amount of blood.

The aforementioned holes appeared to correspond with the area on Evan Todd’s body (left upper back), which had been injured. When asked if he had the blue and grey shirt, Evan Todd stated he was relatively certain he did, however, could not locate that item at this time. IO indicated he was going to notify the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and felt it was highly probable they would want to collect those items as evidence. Evan Todd stated he would comply with the sheriff’s office request if they felt the need to collect his clothing. IO would note Evan Todd’s father later turned over the above-described items of clothing to Chris Andrist with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department.

IO subsequently concluded his interview with Evan Todd. See the diagram prepared by Evan Todd for details.







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