What really happened?

Valeen Schnurr

Previous Witness: KACEY RUEGSEGGER


Valeen Schnurr’s Columbine Witness Testimony

11k page report – witness testimony

Witness Location:


Schnurr, Valeen



On 043099, This investigator responded to the office of James C. Berry, Ph.D., located at 701 E. Hampden to meet with one of the shooting victims, identified as:

Schnurr, Valeen “Val” Marie
DOB: 041481

Also present was Val’s parents, identified as:

Schnurr, Mark
DOB: 041556
Schnurr, Sherilyn
DOB: 102060
And Investigator Brice Moomaw.

In a previous interview Sherilyn had advised this Investigator that Val had possibly identified one of the suspects as [REDACTED].

This investigator showed Val a photographic lineup displaying Klebold in position #1. Val identified the subject in position #1 (Klebold) with the following comments:

That the person is position #1 (Klebold) looked like the person she saw in the library on 042099 that approached her while she was under a table and asked her if she believed in God.

That Val did not know or recognize the aforementioned person (Klebold).

That Val stated that she saw two sets of legs, indicating that there was a second person, although, due to her location, she was unable to see the second person’s face.

That Val also advised that the subject (Klebold) was reloading his gun, which she described as long, as he spoke to her.

That Val described his (Klebold’s) clothing as a black hat, black top (can’t remember if it was a jacket/coat) and can’t remember what his pants looked like.

That Val described her location in the library as being under the first table in a double row of three tables (total six), near the window that looks out into a hallway.

That after the unidentified teacher had come into the library and told them to get under the tables, and prior to the suspects entering the library, Val saw the profile of a male, dressed in black and wearing a black hat that was turned backwards, who was calmly walking down the hall (through the library window), that she thought was [REDACTED].

That Val stated that he was walking by himself, and she does not recall seeing him carrying anything.


That soon after, two people entered the library throwing bombs and shooting and Val stated that she did not see who shot her as she was under the table (holding hands with Lauren Townsend) and had had her eyes closed.

That Val further advised that friends told her that Eric Harris was involved in this incident, but she was making her identification today based on her memory of the incident only.

That when Val was asked if the subject, she saw walking through the hallway through the library window could have been one of the shooters that came into the library later, she advised that he could have been.

This investigator then showed Val a photographic lineup displaying Harris in position #3. Val identified Harris, advising that she knew him from school and stated that she cannot positively identify him as the second person she saw in the library, although he could have been there.

This investigator then showed Val a photographic lineup displaying [REDACTED] in position #3. Val identified [REDACTED] advising that she knows him from school and cannot positively identify him as the person she saw in the hallway through the library window, although stated that it did look like him.

Investigator Moomaw continued the interview with Val to obtain additional witness information regarding events that took place in the library.


Control Number: 1843
CASE NUMBER: 99-16215


On 04-30-99 at about 1345 hrs., this Investigator and Investigator Gee responded to the office of Dr. James Berry at 701 E. Hampden Ave., #330 and conducted an interview with:

DOB: 04-14-81

Also present in the room were Shari and Mark Schnurr, along with Dr. Berry. Investigator Gee began the interview and showed Schnurr three different photo lineups. For information reference those lineups and their presentation, refer to Investigator Gee’s report.

At about 1415 hrs., this Investigator then interviewed Schnurr to reference her observations in the library. During the interview, this Investigator also requested Schnurr to utilize one of the library maps to mark her location in the library and other observations.

Schnurr related when she first entered the library, there were already five other girls at her table, which was #2. Schnurr identified the five girls as:


When Schnurr entered the library, she sat at the two chairs neat the table. Holliday subsequently left the table and went somewhere else. Schnurr entered the library at about 1113 hours.

Schnurr related her backpack is black in color and is a portfolio type case with straps. The backpack should be by where she was sitting. Schnurr possibly remembers one person sitting at table one. Schnurr was reading her book.

When Schnurr was reading, she heard a shot. Then the teacher came in a yelled for everyone to get down, there is a kid with a gun. She went to the phone and called 911. While the teacher was on the floor, she still yelled for everyone to get down on the floor. Schnurr related everyone got under the table. Schnurr indicated the teacher had short blond hair and was short in height.


Schnurr went to the table and took the place where Holliday was initially sitting. Schnurr heard a bunch of shots and a couple of explosions in the hallway. It was at this time the teacher was on the telephone.

When Schnurr got under the table, she was next to Townsend. Townsend told her that everything will be OK. Townsend pulled Schnurr closer. Schnurr said everyone thought it was a senior prank. However, they kept hearing gunshots.

When the suspects came into the library, Schnurr saw two people come in. She just saw their legs. She heard what she believed was an explosion up against the shelves. She heard them yelling at Isaiah.

The suspects shot someone else, and they were laughing, and she remembers them making the statement, “Look at his brains.” She also heard them refer to someone as “fat boy.”

A little while later, Schnurr heard a shot. Townsend went down on the ground. Schnurr fell out from the table and realized her stomach and abdomen were hurt. It was at this point where she said, “Oh my God,” and the person asked her, “God? Do you believe in God?” and she said “yes.” The person was also reloading his gun at this point.

The two shooters were together. This Investigator asked Schnurr if she saw the shooters and she related that she was focusing on her wounds more. Schnurr indicated that Kreutz got hurt. Schnurr went back under the table. Perez was crying. Park was yelling and she got hurt too.

The suspects then left. She saw a bunch of kids, possibly 15 to 20 running out of the room. She tried to wake up Townshend and she wouldn’t wake up. Schnurr got up and ran between the two large tables and went out the door.

Schnurr related when she left the building, she was by herself. She was one of the last people out. She never saw what the two people wore.

In regards to the person in the hallway seen by Schnurr, she saw him when the shooting and bombs were going off. Schnurr related the person in the hallway could have been one of the shooters. When asked what percent she thought the person was [REDACTED], she said about 55 to 60 percent.

This Investigator asked Schnurr if the shooters picked out or selected out any specific kids, she related that Isaiah Shoels was just there. Schnurr related they never used anyone’s name. During the incident she did not smell the smoke. In regards to the bombs in the library, she did not recognize any smells.


Schnurr related initially when the suspects entered the library, they let some of the kids go. There was at least one, possibly several students who left. They told everyone else they were going to blow up the library. This was said when they were in the area of tables 15-20. Schnurr did not see anyone leave.

On the drawing completed by Schnurr, she placed an “X” near tables 16-19. This is the area Schnurr believes is where they told people to leave. There are two “X’s” placed near tables 3 and 5. This is the approximate area the shooters were in when one fired at their table.

The drawing also shows the escape route taken by Schnurr.




Arvada Police/Court System
Arvada Police Department

Ref #99-12067
Reported Date 04-20-1999
Time 12:39:32
Status RTF
Location 6201 S Pierce St

DET133 8-25-1999  

Connected to Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department CR#99-7625

On 06-01-99, Det. Boatright (IO) was assigned DN#4985 requesting he contact and interview Valeen Schnurr. Within the narrative of the lead, IO was informed Valeen Schnurr was in the library when the incident occurred on 04-20-99 and was seriously injured. It was determined IO would contact and interview Valeen Schnurr to confirm her whereabouts during the incident and any information she may have relevant to this investigation. IO would note Valeen Schnurr was previously interviewed by Det. Moomaw, with the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office.

On 06-10-99 at approximately 1315 hours, IO met with Valeen Schnurr and her parents at their residence identified [REDACTED]. IO did verify with Valeen Schnurr her date of birth is 04-14-81, and she was a Senior at Columbine High School when this incident occurred. For purposes of clarification, both Valeen Schnurr’s parents remained for the interview.

IO subsequently requested Valeen Schnurr provide an account of her activities on 04-20-99, beginning at the time she arrived at school. Valeen Schnurr stated she drove herself to school that date and recalled parking in the senior lot in what she believed was her assigned space (#143). Valeen Schnurr confirmed to IO she normally drives to school alone and arrives sometime around 1700 hours. Valeen Schnurr clarified to IO on this particular date, she believed she arrived at school at approximately 0655 hours. According to Valeen Schnurr, when she arrived at school, she did not make any unusual observations.

Valeen Schnurr stated after parking her car in the south senior parking lot, she then used the west entrance to gain access to the school. Valeen Schnurr related upon entering the school she walked to her locker, which was located in the North Hall. Valeen Schnurr stated after going to her locker, she walked over to the South Hall, where she met with friends and socialized till the beginning of first period. Again, Valeen Schnurr clarified the above-described activities were a normal routine prior to the start of her first hour class.

According to Valeen Schnurr, she attended her first period class which began at approximately 0730 hours and concluded at approximately 0815 hours. Valeen Schnurr identified her first period class as “Math” taught by “Mr. Smith.” Valeen Schnurr stated her math class is located in the math section of the school and went on to identify the room as “MA3.” IO would note math room “MA3” is located in the far Southeast section of the school.

Valeen Schnurr reported she then attended her second hour class which she estimated began at approximately 0825 hours and concluded at approximately 0915 hours. Valeen Schnurr identified


her second period class as “physics” taught by “Mr. Manuello.” Valeen Schnurr stated her “physics” class is taught in room “SCI11” IO would note the science room “SCI11” is located just East of the auditorium in the South Hall.

Valeen Schnurr explained she then attended her third period class, which she estimated began at approximately 0920 hours and concluded at approximately 1010 hours. Valeen Schnurr identified her third period class as “Government Economics” which is taught by “Mr. Tonelli.” Valeen Schnurr stated her “Government Economics” class is taught in social studies room “SS5,” which is located on the East side of the school, near the main East entrance.

According to Valeen Schnurr, she next attended her fourth period class, which she indicated began at approximately 1015 hours and concluded at approximately 1110 hours. Valeen Schnurr identified her fourth period class as “Peer Counseling,” adding she is “unsupervised” during that time. Valeen Schnurr stated she conducts her peer counseling in the “counseling office,” which is located near the main office area.

Valeen Schnurr explained at the conclusion of fourth hour, she is scheduled for “A lunch.” Valeen Schnurr stated her normal activity during “A lunch” involved going to the library and meeting with friends where they would study or read during that time. Valeen Schnurr stated at the end of fourth hour, she recalled she was “running late” and first needed to stop at her locker, prior to going to the library. Valeen Schnurr related, by the time she arrived at the library, she believed the 1115 bell had already rung. Valeen Schnurr estimated the time she arrived at the library to be approximately 1116 hours.

Valeen Schnurr stated when she arrived at the library, she immediately joined her group of friends who were sitting at one of the first tables on the far East section of the library. IO subsequently supplied Valeen Schnurr with a diagram of the library and asked her to identify the location where she and her friends were sitting. Valeen Schnurr immediately pointed to table #2, indicating the location where she and her friends sat. When asked if she and her friends normally sat at table #2, Valeen Schnurr responded by stating, “We usually sat on that side of the library.”

Valeen Schnurr indicated she and her friends did not always sit at table #2 and pointed out there had even been occasions where she had met with her friends, and they sat either in the middle or in the far west sections of the library. Pursuant to questioning, Valeen Schnurr stated when she arrived at the library, she did not recall any unusual activity.

IO subsequently confirmed with Valeen Schnurr she was the last of her group to arrive in the library. When asked to identify the other individuals who were present when she arrived, Valeen Schnurr supplied the names of Jeanna Park, Jessica Holliday, Lisa Kreutz,


Diwata Perez, and Lauren Townsend. When asked to identify where everyone was seated at the time she arrived, Valeen Schnurr first stated all the individuals previously named were located somewhere at table #2. Valeen Schnurr stated, due to the number of people seated at the table, she decided to sit at a chair which was located a couple of feet to the northeast of that table. Valeen Schnurr then drew in the location of the chair where she sat, adding there was an additional table (small) and chair located to her left.

Valeen Schnurr went on to explain, directly above where she was seated is a window which looks out into the hallway, directly outside the library. Valeen Schnurr reiterated the reason she sat at that chair was due to the fact the table appeared full and she was the last in her group to arrive.

In respect to where her friends were seated, Valeen Schnurr stated she knew Lauren Townsend was seated at the far Northwest corner, while Diwata Perez was located at the far Southwest corner of the same table. Valeen Schnurr stated across from Diwata Perez (Southeast corner) was Jeanna Park and directly to the North would have been Lisa Kreutz. Valeen Schnurr stated she believed Jessica Holliday was originally seated between Lauren Townsend and Diwata Perez but pointed out the forenamed “walked off” a short time prior to when the incident began.

Valeen Schnurr stated she could not be absolutely positive as to where Jessica Holliday was seated when she first arrived but knew the forenamed had originally been at the table and later left.

When asked what occurred next, Valeen Schnurr again stated she was seated in the chair directly below the window (facing Southwest) at which time she began “reading a book” she had borrowed from someone. Valeen Schnurr stated approximately five minutes after she had begun to read the book, she began to hear “popping noises.”

Valeen Schnurr stated she was not paying any particular attention to the noises and recalled that no one she could observe seemed to be particularly concerned. Valeen Schnurr went on to state in respect to the “popping noises” it did not appear as though anybody “really noticed.” When asked if she could identify the location from where the “popping noises” originated, Valeen Schnurr responded in the negative. Valeen Schnurr stated she was certain the “popping noises” were not originating in the library and believed they were coming from somewhere “outside.” Valeen Schnurr then speculated the “popping noises” were coming from an area West of the library (outside of the school).

Valeen Schnurr next reported that as she begun to hear the “popping noises” she believed it was at this point Jessica Holliday had “walked off.” Valeen Schnurr stated at the time she did not know where Jessica Holliday was going or the reason she left.

Valeen Schnurr stated she was certain that Jessica Holliday did not leave as a result of hearing the “popping noises” but believed the forenamed had some other activity in mind. Valeen Schnurr was next asked if she could recall how many “popping noises” she actually


heard at that point. Valeen Schnurr responded in the negative, but stated she believed there were “several.” Valeen Schnurr again reported that when she originally heard the “popping noises,” they were not particularly concerning, thus, she did not pay specific attention to them.

Valeen Schnurr explained, “within a minute or two” from the point she began hearing the “popping noises,” she then observed “Ms. Nielson” enter the library “yelling.” According to Valeen Schnurr, Ms. Nielson entered the library alone and went on to announce, “there’s somebody with a gun.” Valeen Schnurr stated she could immediately tell Ms. Nielson was “very upset” due to the tone in her voice and the fact she was yelling. Valeen Schnurr explained she was uncertain as to what had specifically occurred and certainly did not realize the seriousness of the incident. Valeen Schnurr recalled thinking at the time, the event identified by Ms. Nielson was possibly a “senior prank.”

Valeen Schnurr stated as she continued to observe Ms. Nielson, the forenamed went behind the main counter entering from the East side. Valeen Schnurr reiterated it was around this time that Ms. Nielson had announced, “there’s somebody with a gun.” Valeen Schnurr next recalled seeing Ms. Nielson place a 911 call. Valeen Schnurr clarified based on her position (still seated in the chair), she did not have a clear view of Ms. Nielson, but could hear the forenamed make a phone call and begin explaining what was occurring.

When asked to elaborate, Valeen Schnurr recalled Ms. Nielson telling the person she was speaking with on the phone there were “kids with guns” and “we need help.” Valeen Schnurr stated it was around this same time frame she heard Ms. Nielson announce to the students in the library to “get under your tables.” Valeen Schnurr stated Ms. Nielson repeated that demand several times. Valeen Schnurr also recalled Ms. Nielson making statements, such as, “stay under the tables.”

Valeen Schnurr explained after making the above observations, she then believed whatever was occurring was “real.” Valeen Schnurr again clarified she did not know the extent of the situation, but knew it was serious. Valeen Schnurr told IO it was at that point, she moved over to table #2 and positioned herself under the Northeast corner of the table. Valeen Schnurr explained by this point, she believed everyone in the library had complied with Ms. Nielson’s commands and had gotten under a table.

Valeen Schnurr stated when she initially positioned herself under table #2, she remembered thinking “what’s going on?” Valeen Schnurr stated she was very concerned at this point and sensed others around her were also afraid.

When asked to describe her position under table #2, Valeen Schnurr stated she was seated in an “Indian style position,” facing North. When asked about the positioning of others under her table, Valeen Schnurr stated she knew for certain Lauren Townsend was to


her left and was seated in a similar style, also facing North. Valeen Schnurr explained she could not be certain as to the exact positioning of those behind her but did recall specifically who was present. When asked to elaborate, Valeen Schnurr utilized the diagram to draw the tabletop and then indicated everyone’s position by listing their initials. Valeen Schnurr subsequently placed two arrows pointing in a Northerly direction to indicate the way she and Lauren Townsend were facing. Valeen Schnurr reiterated even though she knew for certain who was positioned behind her, she could not be certain as to which direction they were facing or how they were sitting.

For purposes of clarification, Valeen Schnurr placed Lauren Townsend’s initials at the Northwest corner of the table, while Diwata Perez’ initials were placed at the Southwest corner of the table. Jeanna Parks initials were placed in the southeast corner of the table, while Valeen Schnurr’s initials were placed in the Northeast corner of the table. Lisa Kreutz initials were placed between those of Valeen Schnurr and Jeanna Park.

When asked what she recalled next, Valeen Schnurr stated she began to hear gunshots which she believed were coming from the hallway outside of the library. Valeen Schnurr was unable to be more specific in terms of the number of gunshots but did note it appeared as though the gunshots were getting closer to the library entrance. Valeen Schnurr stated she next began to see “smoke” in the hallway. IO confirmed with Valeen Schnurr, she was looking out the window she previously described (which faced out into the hall).

Valeen Schnurr told IO at one point while making the above observations, she observed a person she believed to be one of the suspects as he moved South past the window in the hallway. Valeen Schnurr stated he was “walking slow and he didn’t look in,” (referring to looking in the library). When asked to describe this individual, Valeen Schnurr began by stating she originally thought that individual was [REDACTED] but later realized she was mistaken. Valeen Schnurr stated she now believes the person she saw in the hall walking South was, in fact, Dylan Klebold.

Valeen Schnurr went on to explain when she was originally interviewed by law enforcement, she had indicated the person she saw in the hall was [REDACTED]. Valeen Schnurr stated after being able to see recent photographs of Dylan Klebold (via the media), she’s now convinced the person she saw in the hall was, in fact, Dylan Klebold.

Valeen Schnurr was then asked to describe the person she saw in the hall. Valeen Schnurr stated the person she saw in the hall was a white male, with longer “dark blond” hair. Valeen Schnurr added, the suspect’s hairstyle was “wavy.” In respect to his clothing, Valeen Schnurr stated the suspect was wearing a “black collared something,” adding it was more likely a coat, but possibly a shirt. Valeen Schnurr stated the reason she could not differentiate whether the garment was a coat, or a shirt was due to


the fact she could only see it from the mid-chest level up. Valeen Schnurr reiterated she believed the garment was a coat but could not be positive. Valeen Schnurr stated the suspect was also wearing a black baseball cap “backwards.” When asked if she could gauge the suspect’s height and weight, Valeen Schnurr stated the individual appeared to be tall, however, she could not be any more specific regarding his physical appearance. IO did clarify with Valeen Schnurr the suspect appeared to be moving slowly in a Southerly direction at a walking pace.

Valeen Schnurr went on to explain at the same time she made the above observation, Lauren Townsend reached around her shoulder with her right arm in a hugging type of motion, pulled her closer. Valeen Schnurr explained by this point, both she and Lauren Townsend were now in a seated position with their knees pulled into their chest. Valeen Schnurr stated as she recalled being hugged by Lauren Townsend, everything was very “quiet.” Valeen Schnurr reported it was at this point, she began “praying.”

Valeen Schnurr added she had placed her hands over her ears in an effort to block out the sounds she was hearing. Valeen Schnurr did clarify the above effort was in no way effective in terms of blocking out the sounds and it was almost something of a symbolic gesture. Valeen Schnurr went on with her explanation by stating moments later, she then began hearing what she thought were “explosions.”

Valeen Schnurr stated she assumed the explosions were coming from the commons area, due to the fact, she could feel the floor underneath her begin “vibrating,” and she also heard “screams” from students who were located down in the commons area.

Valeen Schnurr stated her next recollection occurred at the point she heard what she thought were “a few” gunshots. Valeen Schnurr described those gunshots as coming from either the hallway or entrance area of the library. IO confirmed with Valeen Schnurr what she was describing were gunshots that were in very close proximity to the East library doors.

When asked what she meant by “a few” gunshots, Valeen Schnurr then described them as “a couple.” Valeen Schnurr stated she could not be specific in terms of the number of shots she heard, but knew it was approximately two or three shots.

Valeen Schnurr stated almost immediately after hearing the above-described gunshots, she then saw two people enter the library. Valeen Schnurr clarified the above statement by indicating she could see two sets of dark pants and two sets of “shoes” as they walked into the library area. Valeen Schnurr confirmed that the two individuals entered from the East library doors and proceeded West through the library.

Valeen Schnurr went on to state that her actual first observations of the suspects occurred as she looked through the glass display case located directly North of table 2. When asked if she could provide a more detailed description of the clothing worn by the suspects, Valeen Schnurr stated all she could recall was that both individuals were


Wearing “dark pants and dark shoes.” Valeen Schnurr was unable to be more specific regarding that point.

Valeen Schnurr next explained as the suspects continued to walk West through the library, she now could hear them directly in front of the main counter, at which time, one of the suspects stated, “everybody get up” or simply stated, “stand up.” Valeen Schnurr told IO she did not recall the exact words used by the suspect at that point, but knew they were requesting the students in the library to get out from underneath the tables. Valeen Schnurr stated based on what she was hearing at that point, she knew the suspects had continued West, further into the library, but she could no longer see them.

Valeen Schnurr related after hearing the above comment demanding the students come out from under the tables, she then heard, “a couple of gunshots.” Valeen Schnurr again indicated the gunshots were coming from a westerly direction and appeared to be consistent with the path of travel taken by the suspects as they entered the library.

IO confirmed with Valeen Schnurr she was describing gunshots inside the library, which appeared to be occurring somewhere from the Northwest area. Valeen Schnurr did recall, after hearing those gunshots, one of the suspects stated, “look at his brains.” Valeen Schnurr told IO at that point, she believed someone had been shot. Valeen Schnurr stated moments after hearing that comment, she then began to hear more gunshots.

Valeen Schnurr explained as the gunshots continued, she began to hear the suspects “laughing out loud.” Valeen Schnurr told IO the suspects continued laughing throughout the course of this entire incident. Valeen Schnurr also recalled the suspects continuing to shout out things, such as “woohoo.”

Valeen Schnurr told IO she could not estimate the number of gunshots she was hearing at this point but knew that all of the shots she did hear were occurring on the West side of the library. When asked if she was able to hear anything other than gunshots, laughter and yelling, Valeen Schnurr responded in the affirmative. Valeen Schnurr stated at one point, she did hear a suspect say something about “a nigger.” Valeen Schnurr stated after hearing that comment, she did recall hearing additional gunshots occurring on the West side of the library.

As Valeen Schnurr continued to reflect on the incident, she then remembered additional comments she heard, however pointed out she could not recall the exact sequence of when they were said. Valeen Schnurr then qualified a previous statement she made in reference to the “nigger” comment. Valeen Schnurr explained in respect to the comments she was hearing on the West side of the library, she was not exactly certain when all of those things were said but did know they were said while the suspects were on the West side of the library. When asked to describe what other


comments she did hear, Valeen Schnurr stated at one point, she remembered hearing a comment about a “fat boy” and also heard a separate comment identified as “peek-a-boo.” Valeen Schnurr again indicated she was not certain as to the sequence of any of the comments but was certain all of the above-described statements were made while the suspects were on the West side of the library.

Valeen Schnurr next explained as she would hear one of the above comments, it would then be followed by gunshots. Additionally, Valeen Schnurr would then hear laughter and various types of yells which she had previously described as a “woohoo” sound. Valeen Schnurr stated there was one additional sound she heard which was different from the other sounds, while the suspects were on the West side of the library. When asked to describe that noise, Valeen Schnurr stated following what she believed was a gunshot, she then heard “book sounds or paper sounds.”

When asked to elaborate, Valeen Schnurr stated it sounded as though, after the gunshot, she could hear “the rustling of papers, like books falling.” Valeen Schnurr speculated that one of the suspects had possibly shot some of the books on a shelf, thus, causing the above-described noise.

Valeen Schnurr told IO it was after hearing that sound that it became very obvious the suspects were now moving over to the East side of the library. When asked to elaborate, Valeen Schnurr stated moments after hearing what she described as possibly books falling, she then began to hear “screams.” Valeen Schnurr stated as the screams became “louder,” she then heard what she thought was a single gunshot and realized she had been shot. When asked to further describe that situation, Valeen Schnurr stated she never actually saw the suspect in any detail, but saw movement to her “left,” just prior to being shot.

Valeen Schnurr described seeing an image with her peripheral vision, which she now believes was the suspect, as she was being shot. Valeen Schnurr explained it felt as though she had been shot from the left side, which again was consistent with the above-described observation.

In respect to her injuries, Valeen Schnurr described injuries to her left arm, left chest/breast, continuing down into the abdominal area. Valeen Schnurr stated she was later told she received powder burns to the left arm/shoulder area, again consistent with her being shot from the left side. Valeen Schnurr went on to state, according to the doctors who treated her, there were anywhere between nine to fifteen gunshot wounds.

As IO continued that line of questioning, it appeared as though some of the wounds described by Valeen Schnurr, particularly as it pertained to the left arm/shoulder area, were through and through injuries which then continued on into the chest and down into the abdominal area. According to Valeen Schnurr, she still had projectiles lodged in her abdominal area. See Valeen Schnurr’s medical reports for details.


Continuing with Valeen Schnurr’s explanation, IO confirmed at least after seeing movement to her left, she recalled hearing one shot at the time she was shot. When asked if she recalled any additional gunshots at that point, Valeen Schnurr responded in the negative. When asked what occurred next, Valeen Schnurr stated she was still facing North at this time. IO confirmed with Valeen Schnurr that she was still located up towards the Northeast corner of the table, however had now crawled out from underneath the table.

Valeen Schnurr stated once she had crawled out from under the table, she then repeatedly stated, “Oh my god, help.” Valeen Schnurr stated after making that comment several times, she then heard a voice from behind her state, “Do you believe in God?” IO clarified with Valeen Schnurr the voice she heard was a male voice and it was coming from an area South of her location. Valeen Schnurr went on to explain after she heard what she now believed was the suspect state, “Do you believe in God?” She initially responded, “no” and then stated, “yes.” Valeen Schnurr said at the point she answered the suspect, she was somewhat confused and was unclear how to answer his question for fear of retaliation.

Valeen Schnurr stated after responding to the suspect’s question with a “yes,” she again heard a voice from the South area of the library state, “why?” Valeen Schnurr related by this point, she was up on her knees and recalled looking back to the South. Valeen Schnurr stated she could then see two suspects standing to the south of table #4.     Valeen Schnurr explained she did not actually look at the suspects’ faces, but it appeared to her as though one of the suspects was “reloading” his weapon.

When asked to describe what she meant by “reloading,” Valeen Schnurr explained she could see the suspect working the “slide” on the gun. Valeen Schnurr appeared to be describing something like a pumping motion with her arm. The description of the weapon provided by Valeen Schnurr indicated that the weapon she observed was longer than a pistol. Valeen Schnurr then drew two “X’s” on the diagram to indicate the location of where she had seen the suspects. 

When asked which of the suspects appeared to be “reloading” his weapon, Valeen Schnurr placed a dot next to the “X” which was furthest East. Valeen Schnurr could not be more specific concerning her observation, other than to state she did not see the other suspect moving and only recalled the suspect to the East doing something with the “slide” on his weapon.

Valeen Schnurr stated after making that observation, she then turned back facing a northerly direction and again, heard the suspect state, “why?” Valeen Schnurr related at that point, she responded to the suspect by stating, “my parents taught me, and I believe.” Valeen Schnurr related she then recalled moving back under the table, where she “laid down.” Valeen Schnurr stated she


Then “played dead” in hopes the suspects would leave her alone. Valeen Schnurr reported after that point, she did not recall hearing any additional gunshots.

When asked what she did recall, Valeen Schnurr explained she remembered hearing Jeanna Park and Diwata Perez crying after she (Valeen Schnurr) had been shot. Valeen Schnurr also recalled hearing Lisa Kreutz “screaming” during that same time. In respect to Lauren Townsend, Valeen Schnurr stated that the forenamed was lying on her left side “facing me.” IO confirmed with Valeen Schnurr, the observation related to Lauren Townsend occurred after she moved back underneath the table and began playing dead.

According to Valeen Schnurr, she was now facing a Westerly direction. When asked if she could describe the positioning of the other individuals under her table, Valeen Schnurr responded in the affirmative. Valeen Schnurr stated to her knowledge, Lisa Kreutz was also lying down with her head facing to the West. In respect to Diwata Perez and Jeanna Park, Valeen Schnurr thought both of those individuals were in something of a seated position, facing North.

Valeen Schnurr next explained several minutes after she had been shot, she recalled seeing “two sets of feet” leaving the library via the East doors. Valeen Schnurr stated her observation was subsequently confirmed because moments after the suspects had left the library, she then heard what she thought were gunshots in the hall directly outside the library. Valeen Schnurr told IO after hearing the above-described gunshot, she waited approximately “40 seconds” and then attempted to wake Lauren Townsend.

Valeen Schnurr said she remembered “nudging” the forenamed several times, however she could not get a response. Valeen Schnurr responded after making continued efforts to awaken Lauren Townsend and receiving no response, she began to hear “whispering” and saw students moving towards the West side of the library. Valeen Schnurr stated as a result of not being able to awaken Lauren Townsend, she then decided to flee the library alone.

Valeen Schnurr then described coming out from under the table on the East side and then proceeding West through the library (South of the computer tables) and then North to the emergency exit. Valeen Schnurr reported as she was leaving the library, she distinctly recalled hearing “alarms going off” and the room being “smoky.”

Valeen Schnurr stated based on her recollection, Diwata Perez and Jeanna Park had already left the library and she (Valeen Schnurr) was one of the last people to leave the library. As she left the library, Valeen Schnurr was unclear as to the status of Lisa Kreutz.

Valeen Schnurr stated at the point she arrived at the north emergency exit, she recalled seeing a marked police unit parked


Northwest of that location. Valeen Schnurr said she eventually made her way to that vehicle where she was provided with some initial first aid. Valeen Schnurr stated she was eventually transported to a safe area and then taken to Swedish Hospital. IO would note Valeen Schnurr did describe a somewhat involved event as it pertained to her evacuation from the area (proceeding the actual hospital transport).

Valeen Schnurr told IO she was unable to recall any additional information related to this incident. IO subsequently concluded his contact with Valeen Schnurr. See the diagram prepared by Valeen Schnurr for complete details.






Previous Witness: KACEY RUEGSEGGER


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