What really happened?

Jeanna Park

Previous Witness: NICOLE NOWLEN


Jeanna Park’s Columbine Witness Testimony

11k page report – witness testimony

Witness Location:


Park, Jeanna


Reporting Agency: JSCO
Reporting Officer: OBBEMA          
Case Report No: 99-7625-Y
Date This Report: 05-28-99

Classification [X]   
Reclassification [O] First Degree Murder
Offense Status: Open ×      
Exceptionally Cleared [O] 
Cleared by Arrest [O]   
Unfounded [X] DN #4627



JEANNA PARK, DOB: 04-02-81


On 05-28-99, I escorted the Park family through the library at Columbine High School. Jeanna Park, who had been injured in the Columbine shooting on 4-20-99 was present. I asked her a few questions to clarify information given on an earlier report to Investigator John Healy of the JSCO.

Park stated that while she was in the library, she heard the suspects on the West side. She could not discern who was saying different things, but she recalls hearing statements about them blowing up the library and the school. She also heard a racial comment. She could hear them joke about always wanting to do this and could hear them yelling and hollering. She could hear the bookshelves on the West side of the library being shot. She believed people were also being shot, but she did not witness any shooting occurring on the West side.

Although Park recalled seeing Dylan Klebold run by the library window carrying a big gun prior to the shooting in the library starting, she did not see or hear him on the East side of the library. Park stated that she did not personally see anyone shooting a weapon. Park was under table #1 when she heard a male voice ask Val Schnurr if she believed in God. Schnurr replied, “No,” then immediately said, “Yes.” The male voice then asked Schnurr why she believed in God. Schnurr replied that it was because of the way her family believes. Park stated she is familiar with Dylan Klebold’s voice because she has taken a class with him before. She does not believe it was Klebold talking to Schnurr.


Park states there was brief silence. Schnurr then started to go underneath the table #1 again where she had previously been. Shooting then erupted and Park was shot from behind. She was shot in the shoulder and fell onto her right side. She stated she was facing North. Park never saw the individual that shot her from behind.

Park stated she remained under the table until such time as she observed some people were getting up and moving towards the West of the library. She then got up and walked towards the Northwest exit. She stated she checked under the computer table for her sister, but didn’t find her. She then left the library. Park stated she was the last one to leave and that she was by herself when she left.


Previous Witness: NICOLE NOWLEN


What really happened?

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