What really happened?

Library Dialogue

Dialogue heard by library witnesses

Library Injured

  • Mark Kintgen
    “Everyone stand up.”
    “Oh look at his brains.”
    “Do you believe in God?”

  • Lisa Kreutz
    “Are you still with me?”
    “We’re still gonna do this, right?”
    She heard one of the gunmen say they were going to “blow up the library.”
    She did hear a statement from one of the gunmen that they hated school and that school had messed them up.
    Somebody under the table said, “Oh my God, they’re coming.”
    Schnurr was screaming and then Kreutz heard a gunman from behind her ask Schnurr if she believed in God
    She also remembers hearing glass breaking again and again and someone say something to the effect of “hey you in the library.”

  • Patrick Ireland
    “Anybody with a white hat stand up.”
    “This is for all the shit you put us through.”

  • Patti Nielson
    “While standing in front of the desk, one of them stopped and said, “Wait a minute! One more thing!” and she heard a chair being smashed on top of the desk she was under.”
    “Ms. Nielson said she heard the suspects saying they were going to blow the library up, but she could not get out for fear of being shot.”
    “Nielson believes that one kid stood up to them in the library. They person said, “That’s enough,” in a confrontational voice. The person replied, “Oh what do we have here.” She heard the word “Nigger” used and then she heard them shoot someone.”
    “This Investigator asked Nielson if she ever heard the statement by the shooters that a person could leave, she stated she does not remember hearing that statement. The suspects did relate they were going to blow this library up. They were yelling at the people.”
    “At one point, the shooters called someone “fat boy.” They yelled at him. She heard one person say, “Do whatever you want to that one.”
    “Nielson related when he stepped back, she saw his black pants and they were tucked into his boots. After slamming the chair, the person said, “Let’s go down to the commons.”
    “Patti Nielson stated once she knew shooting was going on inside the library she began to hear “hooting and hollering.” Patti Nielson stated it was very clear in her mind the suspects were “enjoying themselves.”
    “Patti Nielson also stated she heard the suspects taunting various students. When asked specifically what she heard, Patti Nielson stated she remembered one of the suspects stating to someone, “You think those glasses look cool,” or, “You think those glasses are cool.” Patti Nielson stated it was clear in her mind the suspects were attempting to humiliate the victims prior to shooting them.”
    “When asked if she could recall any other statements made by the suspects, Patti Nielson responded in the affirmative. Patti Nielson stated at one point she remembered hearing a suspect yell to a victim, “Who do you think you are?” and at some other point she heard one of the suspects yell, “Kill all the jocks.”
    “When asked to elaborate, Patti Nielson stated at one point during the incident she remembered hearing “a boy being confrontational with them.”  When asked to elaborate, Patti Nielson stated the confrontation was strictly verbal but remembered hearing the unidentified male student state words to the effect of, “That’s enough, he’s dead.”
    “Patti Nielson then recalled hearing one of the suspects comment, “What do we have here, a nigger.”
    “Patti Nielson stated when she knew the suspects were behind the counter, she remembered hearing a student state, “I don’t want to get in trouble. I don’t want to get in trouble.” Patti Nielson then heard one of the suspects respond to the student by stating, “You don’t know what trouble is.” Patti Nielson believed the suspect then referred to the student as “pathetic.” Patti Nielson related earlier in this incident she had also heard one of the suspects refer to another student as “pathetic.”
    “Continuing with Patti Nielson’s explanation of the incident, the forenamed stated she then heard the second suspect confront that same student (referred to above). Patti Nielson heard the suspect state to the student, “Whatta we got here, fat boy?” Patti Nielson next heard one of the suspects tell the other suspect he could, “Do whatever you want with that one. I don’t care.” Patti Nielson concluded the suspect was again referring to that same student.”
    “Patti Nielson related after the chair had been thrown on top of the desk, she then heard one of the suspects state, “Let’s get down to the commons.”


What really happened?

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