What really happened?

Mark Kintgen

Previous Witness: PATRICK IRELAND


Mark Kintgen’s Columbine Witness Testimony


11k page report – witness testimony

Witness Location:


Kintgen, Mark


Arvada Police/Court System
Arvada Police Department

# 99-12067
Reported Date 04-20-1999
Time 12:39:32
Status RTF

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET121 07-06-1999 07-06-99/BOATRIGHT/MO

Connected to Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department case #99-7625

On 05-11-99, Detective Boatright (IO) was assigned DN #4873 requesting he contact and interview Mark Kintgen. Within the narrative of the lead, IO was informed Mark Kintgen was in the library when the incident occurred and was one of the students shot. On 05-12-99 at approximately 0800 hours, IO responded to and met with Mark Alan Kintgen, age 17, dob: 05-30-81. IO verified with Mark Kintgen he is presently a junior at Columbine High School. Also present for the interview were Mark Kintgen’s parents identified as Dale and Kay Kintgen.

During the interview, IO initially requested Mark Kintgen to provide an account of his activities on 04-20-99 beginning at the time he arrived at school. Mark Kintgen initially told IO he normally arrives at school at approximately 0715 hours as was the case this date. Mark Kintgen clarified he is driven to school by his twin brother “Mike.” Mark Kintgen stated Michael Kintgen’s parking space is identified as #402 and is located south of the commons area. Pursuant to questioning, Mark Kintgen stated he did not observe any unusual activity when he arrived at school on 04-20-99.

According to Mark Kintgen, after arriving at school he then attended his first hour class which begins at approximately 0730 hours and concludes at approximately 0810 hours. Mark Kintgen identified his 1st period class as “Choir” which is taught by “Mr. Andres Sr.” Mark Kintgen told IO his choir class is taught in the “Choir Room” located directly across from the “Science area.”

Mark Kintgen explained he then attended his 2nd period class which began at approximately 0615 hours and concluded at approximately 0920 hours. Mark Kintgen stated the 2nd period class held at Columbine High School is five minutes longer than usual due to the fact the students receive the daily announcements during that class period. Mark Kintgen went onto indicate the announcements are delivered via a television broadcast which is set up from the Rebel News Network Room located in the library.

When asked if he recalled anything specific about the announcements that day, Mark Kintgen responded in the negative but stated he did remember a scrolling message which is shown throughout the school at various locations. Mark Kintgen identified that message as “Today is not a good day to be here.” Mark Kintgen stated he had no explanation as to the specific meaning of the message nor did he know who authored the message.

Continuing with Mark Kintgen’s explanation of the day, IO confirmed after concluding his 1st period class he then went to 2nd period which he identified as “World History” taught by “Mrs.


Herring.” Mark Kintgen stated his “World History” class is taught in Room SS8 located in the Northeast section of the school. After completing the second period class, Mark Kintgen stated he then went to “3rd period.” Mark Kintgen stated his 3rd period class begins at approximately 0925 hours and concludes at approximately 1015 hours. Mark Kintgen identified his 3rd period class as “Learning Lab” which was basically a supervised “Study hall.” Mark Kintgen stated his “Learning Lab” is supervised by “Mr. Ortiz.” Mark Kintgen indicated the “Learning Lab” is located in Room “SE5” which is on the lower level of the school just east of the commons area. Mark Kintgen pointed out the “Learning Lab” is near the “Foreign Language rooms.”

In respect to his 4th period class, Mark Kintgen stated it began at approximately 1020 hours and concluded at approximately 1110 hours. Mark Kintgen identified his 4th period class as “Algebra 1” which is taught by “Mr. Higgins.” Mark Kintgen stated his Algebra 1 class is located in room “MA4” in the “Math area.” IO would note the math area is located in the Southeast section of the school.

Mark Kintgen explained his 5th period class is a “free period” adding during that time he usually went to the library. Mark Kintgen clarified he almost always went to the library in order to study during 5th period. Mark Kintgen further clarified he had been assigned “B Lunch.” Mark Kintgen told IO after his Algebra 1 class ended, he then went to the library. Mark Kintgen was subsequently handed a diagram and requested to draw his path of travel to the library. As Mark Kintgen began that process, he recalled after leaving “Math,” he went to the “restroom.”

IO would note the restroom identified by Mark Kintgen is located in the South hall towards the East end of the building, Mark Kintgen continued by stating after using the restroom he then continued down the South hall stopping at his locker which was located near the “Choir Room.” Mark Kintgen indicated after leaving his locker he walked directly to the library. Mark Kintgen estimated he arrived in the library shortly after the 1115 bell rang. Mark Kintgen clarified he believed he arrived at the library at approximately 1120 hours.

Pursuant to questioning, Mark Kintgen stated when arriving in the library he was in possession of a “Red Janus Sport” backpack which had a “leather” support pouch. Mark Kintgen was then handed a diagram of the library and asked to describe his activities after entering that location. Mark Kintgen stated upon entering the library he retrieved a magazine from the magazine rack (located to the North of the library) and then found a place to sit. Mark Kintgen identified the table where he sat as table #1. Mark Kintgen indicated he sat on the Southwest corner of that table (facing North). Pursuant to


questioning, Mark Kintgen stated no one else was at table #1 when he arrived, however, a short time later he remembered a female student who sat at the Northeast corner of the table. Mark Kintgen further explained he believed the unidentified female was associated with a table of girls who were seated at table #2. Mark Kintgen indicated he could not identify the girls who were seated at table #2.

As the discussion continued, Mark Kintgen stated the girl whom he was unable to identify who had sat his table subsequently left and he could not recall where she went. Mark Kintgen described the unidentified female as having lighter colored hair (average size) with a tan shirt and blue jeans. Mark Kintgen did clarify after leaving the library he saw that same female located behind one of the patrol cars. Mark Kintgen stated he was certain she had survived the incident in the library. As Mark Kintgen continued to discuss that point, he then recalled it was possible one of the girls located at table #2 was “Diwata Perez.” Mark Kintgen clarified he did not know Diwata Perez but heard she was one of the girls located at table #2.

When asked what occurred next, Mark Kintgen stated he recalled reading his magazine but did take note of the fact “Mrs. Keating” (Librarian) was not at her “usual desk.” Mark Kintgen stated he did not recall seeing Mrs. Keating in the library before, during or after this incident. Mark Kintgen did relate he remembered Mrs. Weld and Mrs. Kean being present in the library prior to the incident. Mark Kintgen stated the forenamed individuals were seen somewhere to the North in the library, however, he could not be more specific. Mark Kintgen did clarify Ms. Weld and Ms. Kean were librarian assistants.

Mark Kintgen next stated he knew there was a student assistant assigned to the library for 5th period, however, he did not recall seeing that individual being present. When asked to identify the student assistant, Mark Kintgen stated he knew her first name was “Amber,” however, he did not recall her last name. IO would note “Amber” was later identified as Amber Huntington. IO further verified with Mark Kintgen Amber Huntington was a student assistant he routinely saw in the library during 5th period.

IO asked Mark Kintgen to describe what occurred after he began reading his magazine. Mark Kintgen stated he remembered looking through the magazine for approximately five minutes during which time he began hearing “banging noises like hammers.” Mark Kintgen stated during that five-minute period he believed he heard at least three separate banging noises, again referring to the sound as “hammering.” Mark Kintgen told IO the aforementioned noises did not cause him any concern nor did he perceive anyone else in the library was concerned regarding those same noises.

Mark Kintgen related at approximately 1125 hours he then recalled “Ms. Nielsen” entering the library via the east entrance. Mark Kintgen stated Ms. Nielsen was in the company of a male


student whom he later identified as Brian Anderson. According to Mark Kintgen, Brian Anderson was wearing a blue shirt when he entered the library. Mark Kintgen could not specifically recall what Ms. Nielsen was wearing but believed it was a light colored “shirt or sweater. ” When asked where those individuals went after entering the library, Mark Kintgen stated Ms. Nielsen immediately “went behind the counter and was yelling where’s Mrs. Keating.” Mark Kintgen told IO at that point he lost track of where Brian Anderson went. According to Mark Kintgen, he did not see Brian Anderson after the forenamed entered the library.

Mark Kintgen stated when he initially began to observe Ms. Nielsen it seemed as though she was “panicked.” When asked to elaborate, Mark Kintgen described Ms. Nielsen rapidly entering the library and frantically asking, “Where’s Mrs. Keating.” Mark Kintgen stated he could tell from the tone of Ms. Nielsen’s voice “something was wrong.” Mark Kintgen went onto state when Ms. Nielsen was unable to locate Mrs. Keating she began “asking where the phone was.” Mark Kintgen reiterated at that point it was obvious to him Ms. Nielsen was “panicked.”

Mark Kintgen next recalled Ms. Nielsen announcing there had been “kids shot.” Mark Kintgen again pointed out Ms. Nielsen appeared to be “very upset.” Mark Kintgen stated he knew something serious had happened, however, he was not clear on the details.

Mark Kintgen stated he next saw Ms. Nielsen using the telephone which was located behind the main counter. Mark Kintgen recalled as Ms. Nielsen began to use the phone she then yelled out, “Kids get under the tables.” Mark Kintgen stated he remembered Ms. Nielsen repeating that command several times. According to Mark Kintgen, he complied with Ms. Nielsen’s request almost immediately.

Mark Kintgen stated he subsequently positioned himself underneath table #1. Mark Kintgen clarified he was the only person under table #1 during the incident. In respect to his positioning, Mark Kintgen seated he was seated under the Southwest corner of the table facing East. Mark Kintgen related from that position he was able to see the library entrance pointing out the items located in the display case had been removed, thus there were no major obstacles in his way.

Mark Kintgen told IO after “hiding” under table #1 for “a couple of minutes,” he remembered hearing “shots or explosions” in the hallway directly outside the library. Mark Kintgen stated he could not recall the exact number of shots or explosions he heard but believed that activity was going on sporadically for “a minute or two” before the suspects entered. Mark Kintgen pointed out he believed the suspects had entered the library around the time he began to hear the “fire alarm.” In respect to the suspects, Mark Kintgen stated he observed


two individuals enter the library via the east entrance. When asked to describe the suspects, Mark Kintgen stated based on his positioning he did not recall seeing the suspects from the waist up. Mark Kintgen stated he remembered both suspects were wearing “black boots” and both had “black pants.” Mark Kintgen related he had heard reports the suspects were wearing “trench coats, however, he could not confirm that point. IO confirmed with Mark Kintgen he saw two sets of legs enter the library around the time he began to hear the “fire alarm” and both those individuals were wearing black pants and black boots. Mark Kintgen stated it appeared as though the black boots were of a military style.

When asked if he remembered seeing anything else associated with the suspects, Mark Kintgen responded in the affirmative. Mark Kintgen stated he did remember one of the suspects was carrying a weapon which he described as an “automatic with a long clip.” Mark Kintgen stated the aforementioned weapon appeared shorter than a rifle and was dark in color. Mark Kintgen related the reason he assumed the weapon was “automatic” was due to the fact it had a “clip.” Mark Kintgen was unable to supply any information to distinguish which suspect was in possession of that weapon. When asked how he was able to see that weapon, Mark Kintgen speculated it was possibly carried low or he simply focused on it, thus failing to recognize any additional clothing items worn by the suspects.

Mark Kintgen reported as the suspects entered the library he could see that they proceeded West. Mark Kintgen stated as the suspects were walking in between the main counter and the reference desk he heard one of them state words to the effect “Everyone stand up.” Mark Kintgen then related it was at that point he began to hear “gunshots. Mark Kintgen could not recall the number of gunshots but knew it was more than one. Mark Kintgen stated very soon after the gunshots initially stopped he heard one of the suspects state, “Oh look at his brains.”

Mark Kintgen then recalled hearing the suspects “laugh.” Mark Kintgen pointed out the suspects continuously laughed throughout the incident at various times. Mark Kintgen went onto state at about the same time he heard the first gunshots in the library he remembered “seeing smoke.” Mark Kintgen did describe the smoke as “white or gray” in color. Mark Kintgen was unable to be more specific concerning the smoke in terms of whether or not it originated in the library or had drifted in from the hall. Mark Kintgen stated he was certain at that point the fire alarm was activated.

Mark Kintgen went onto state while the suspects remained on the West side of the library he heard additional gunshots. Mark Kintgen was unable to estimate the number of gunshots but knew they were numerous. Mark Kintgen stated he also believed he could “yells or screams,” however, he could not be certain if the voices


he was hearing were students or the suspects. Mark Kintgen did indicate he was certain the “laughing” he heard was coming from the suspects. Mark Kintgen stated almost as soon as the gunshots ended on the West side of the library he began to hear them on the East side of the library. Mark Kintgen stated he was certain he had not heard any gunshots which he believed were coming from the center section of the library up to this point. IO subsequently clarified with Mark Kintgen when the suspects entered the library they proceeded to the far West section where gunshots were heard following by gunshots erupting in the far East section where he was located. Mark Kintgen reiterated up to this point he had not heard any gunshots in the middle section of the library.

Mark Kintgen was then asked to describe what occurred as he began to hear gunshots on the East side of the library. Mark Kintgen began his explanation by stating he only actually saw one suspect on the East side of the library. Mark Kintgen explained the suspect he observed at that point was on the North side of the glass case near the entrance to the library. Mark Kintgen stated he was certain the suspect then fired at least one shot into the glass case causing the glass to break. Mark Kintgen explained it was right after the suspect shot out the glass case that he (Mark Kintgen) was shot.

Mark Kintgen initially stated it was possible the suspect had shot at him through the glass case, however, he was not certain. Mark Kintgen went onto explain that there were mirrors located in the glass case which possibly distorted his view of what was actually occurring. Mark Kintgen related he was certain the person who had fired into the glass case was the same person who shot him adding it was possible the suspect had stepped back around the glass case prior to firing under his table. When asked to describe the weapon being used by the suspect who shot into the glass case and later shot under his table Mark Kintgen stated it was the “automatic” previously described in this report. When asked if that was the same gun which was used to shoot under his table, Mark Kintgen stated he assumed that was the case, however, was not certain.

IO clarified with Mark Kintgen, he was able to observe the weapon used by the suspect when firing into the glass case, however, he could not be certain as to the weapon used when fired under his table. Mark Kintgen did state he was certain the person who fired into the glass case was the same person who shot at him under the table. As Mark Kintgen continued to relate his recollection of that incident, he believed the suspect had stepped around from the glass case prior to shooting under his table. Mark Kintgen was unable to be more specific concerning that point. IO did confirm with Mark Kintgen the only description he could give of the suspect whom he saw shoot into the glass case and later under his table was consistent with that person wearing black boots and black pants.

When asked what occurred at the point he was shot, Mark


Kintgen stated he believed the suspect had actually fired through the chair causing the “wood to splinter.” Mark Kintgen told IO he was uncertain as to how many shots were fired under the table but stated, “It seemed like it was all at once.” In respect to his injuries, Mark Kintgen stated he was shot towards the left back portion of his head causing the bullet to travel forward. Mark Kintgen went onto state he was also shot towards the left center portion of his neck which exited on the right side of his neck and then entered his right shoulder. Mark Kintgen told IO the bullet entering his head was removed during surgery, however, the bullet entering his shoulder was not removed. IO clarified with Mark Kintgen his surgery occurred at Denver Health Medical. Mark Kintgen identified his doctor as “Dr. Witt.”

IO confirmed with Mark Kintgen he received two gunshot injuries during this incident. When asked why he believed the suspect had fired into the table, Mark Kintgen stated when he “woke up” there were “wood splinters all around. Mark Kintgen was unable to be specific in terms of whether or not he believed the suspect fired through a chair or the table during the incident. When asked to recall what occurred after he was shot, Mark Kintgen explained he next recalled hearing a male voice state, “Do you believe in God?” Mark Kintgen was unable to provide any additional information concerning that point other than to state he knew the male voice was standing near his location. IO confirmed with Mark Kintgen he was indicating the male voice he heard was coming somewhere from the East side of the library.

When asked to describe what occurred next, Mark Kintgen stated he remembered laying on the floor with his head pointing in a Northwesterly direction. Mark Kintgen stated at that point he was “afraid” he was going to “die.” Mark Kintgen told IO he did not recall hearing any additional shots fired in the library after he had been shot. Mark Kintgen stated after realizing he was lying on the floor he then remembered seeing one of the girls whom he later identified as “Patti Blair” get up from underneath table #3. Mark Kintgen related he subsequently told Patti Blair he needed help, however, she did not respond to his request. Mark Kintgen stated he recalled seeing Patti Blair walk between the book shelves which separated the different sections of the library. Mark Kintgen stated at that point he crawled out from under table #l and walked between the book shelves and proceeded West through the library attempting to follow Patti Blair.

Pursuant to questioning, IO confirmed with Mark Kintgen after he was shot his next recollection was hearing the male voice making reference to God after which he realized he was lying on the floor underneath table #1. When asked if he remembered anything else prior to seeing Patti Blair get up from underneath table #3, Mark Kintgen responded in the negative. Mark Kintgen told IO he assumed after the suspects had shot him they had left the library.


IO next asked Mark Kintgen to describe what occurred after he began to follow Patti Blair West through the library. Mark Kintgen stated he could not recall the specific path of travel he took but did remember seeing someone lying under the table marked #9. Mark Kintgen stated based on that observation he was certain he somehow walked through the center section of the library prior to proceeding North towards the exit. Mark Kintgen next stated as he began to proceed North through the library (near the computer tables) he remembered seeing another individual on the floor at that location. Mark Kintgen was unable to be any more specific concerning either of the individuals he referenced as he left the library.

Mark Kintgen did state as he was leaving the library he believed he began to see other people also moving through the library towards the North exit. Mark Kintgen stated he eventually made his way to the North exit at which point he observed a marked patrol unit parked Northwest of that location. Mark Kintgen reported he then proceeded towards the marked patrol unit.

Mark Kintgen told IO when he arrived at that location he believed there were approximately 20 to 30 other students present. When asked if he could identify any of those students, Mark Kintgen again made reference to the unidentified female who had originally sat down at his table and then moved. Mark Kintgen clarified he had seen that same female hiding behind the marked patrol unit at the time he arrived at that location. Mark Kintgen added he also saw another student whom he identified as “Josh Lapp.” Mark Kintgen stated he did not believe he could recall the names of any additional students at that. location.

Mark Kintgen estimated he remained behind the marked patrol unit for approximately 10 to 15 minutes prior to being “evacuated. Mark Kintgen briefly described being placed in the trunk of a patrol unit and driven to a nearby neighborhood. Mark Kintgen stated at that point he was transported by “helicopter” to Denver Health Medical. Mark Kintgen told IO he did not believe he could recall any additional information at this time.

IO subsequently obtained a written authorization for release of medical records pertaining to Mark Alan Kintgen. The document indicates the medical records were being maintained at Denver Health Medical. IO would note Mark Kintgen’s father, Dale Kintgen, signed the form authorizing the release of the medical records. IO subsequently concluded his interview with Mark Kintgen. IO would note also present at, the residence was Michael Kintgen (twin brother to Mark Kintgen). It was determined IO would conduct an interview with Michael Kintgen in order to expedite the investigative process. IO would point out Michael Kintgen was not present during the interview of Mark Kintgen. See the interview of Michael Kintgen for details.



Previous Witness: PATRICK IRELAND


What really happened?

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