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From this page, you can download the original Columbine PDF documents and media files related to the case.

In the future, there will be fully corrected, text-searchable PDFs of the 11k available for download that include links and cross-references just like on this website.

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1. Popular Columbine Documents

Size Released Document Name, Description, & Download Link
32 MB date

JCSO Final Report

    The official report on the Columbine shooting released by Jefferson County.
11.2 MB date


    Full autopsies & autopsy summaries of the Columbine victims, plus a single PDF containing all autopsies/summaries.
Filesize Early 2000s

11k Witness Master Index (originally compiled by Ravzender)

    A researcher known as “Ravzender” compiled this index.
195.6 MB November 21, 2000

11k – Witness Testimony


According to Jefferson County, the 11k is “the largest single release of police reports, interviews, and witness statements of victims, students, teachers, and others.”

386.4 MB releasedate

10k – Lead Tracking

  January 8, 2003 Patti Nielson call transcript, 911 log, misc. documents from evidence vault, student/staff location list, master index, Harris & Klebold subindex, supplemental reports, critical witness summaries, lead tracking sheets.
44.6 MB releasedate

Library Documents

  June 19, 2001 Evidence, diagrams, sketches, notes, maps, and diagrams from library teams 1-7.
91.3 MB releasedate

Evidence Vols. 1&2

  May 11, 2001 Evidence logs, scene recovery logs, CBI docs, photo logs, chain of custody reports, ATF reports, photo logs, property release records, victim list, officer weapons, outside agency logs.
24.7 MB releasedate

CBI Documents

  February 6, 2002 Serology reports, fingerprint reports, DNA reports, and more.
65.5 MB releasedate

El Paso’s Investigation into Danny Rohrbough’s Death

filesize April 10, 2002 On January 4, 2002, the El Paso County sheriff’s department was asked to conduct an independent investigation into the death of Daniel Rohrbough to determine whether he was shot by law enforcement. The investigation confirmed Eric Harris killed Rohrbough.
22.0 MB releasedate

Search Warrants

  June 10, 2003 Search warrants executed after the shooting.

2. All Other Columbine Documents

Size Released Document Name, Description, & Download Link
3.2 MB releasedate

Randy Brown’s Request to the Columbine Open Records Review Committee on Items to be Released

    This document contains 28 pages of questions Randy Brown submitted to Jeffco as part of the Columbine Records Review Task Force. The Task Force received answers from the Sheriff’s office on July 24, 2002 and Brown responded to these answers on December 11, 2002.
97.8 MB releasedate


23.8 MB releasedate

Lab Books – Tips/Additional Interviews

filesize August 8, 2001 Additional interviews conducted by law enforcement to follow up with tips provided by various individuals and businesses.
1.2 MB releasedate

Attorney General Investigation

915 KB releasedate

Governor Bill Owens’ Columbine Commission Report

2.3 MB releasedate

Wanton Violence Report


3. FBI Documents

Size Released Document Name, Description, & Download Link
59.7 MB releasedate

FBI Files

372 KB releasedate

FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit’s Basement Tape Assessment

187 KB releasedate

FBI’s Threat Assessment Perspective


4. Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold Documents

Size Released Document Name, Description, & Download Link
445 KB releasedate

Basement Tape Audio Leaks

134 KB releasedate

Court Hearing Clips

13.1 MB releasedate

Juvenile Diversion Files

    After being arrested for breaking into a van in January 1998, Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold were placed in a diversion program.
1009 KB releasedate

1997 & 1998 Files

  October 30, 2003 On August 7, 1997, a “concerned citizen” contacted police regarding Eric Harris’ website containing threats to kill people, including Brooks Brown. The 1997 documents are scanned printouts of Eric’s webpages made by police at that time and include descriptions of the destructive pranks (“Rebel Missions”) he and his friends pulled on people they didn’t like. The 1998 documents are related to the reports filed by Randy Brown, which include additional website printouts given to police. One year after the “concerned citizen” tipped off police, Mike Guerra drafted a search warrant for the Harris home after Eric published detailed descriptions of making and detonating bombs on his website. Several exploded bombs that matched Eric’s descriptions were found in a field a few blocks from his home, prompting the search warrant. Unfortunately, the search warrant was never executed and JCSO investigators claimed it was accidentally lost, tucked away in a binder until another investigator discovered the affidavit. For a full timeline of events concerning the affidavit, read Alan Prendergast’s article in Westword titled Chronology of a Big Fat Lie.
filesize March 25, 1998

Police Blotter

The March 25, 1998 edition of the Columbine Community Courier published a blurb about Eric Harris’ death threats against Brooks Brown. Below is a quote from the paper: “Classmate making death threats on Internet – A man reported that his son goes to school with a boy who has his own web page. Recently, the man told a deputy that boy has made death threats against his son on that web page. The father downloaded and printed 10 pages in which the boy threatened his son three times. The boy also explained how to make pipe bombs and use them against people. The father said he was concerned about his son’s safety and that he wanted someone to look into the matter. The case has been turned over to investigations.”
32.9 MB releasedate

936 Pages

33 KB releasedate

Eric and Dylan’s Essays

157 KB releasedate

Carfax Reports

290 KB releasedate

Draft Search Affidavit

  April 10, 2001 Nearly one year before the shooting, JCSO investigator Mike Guerra drafted a search warrant for Eric Harris’ home after Brooks Brown’s father, Randy, told police about Eric’s website. The way Eric described his bombs on his website specifically matched exploded pipe bombs found in a field a few blocks from his home. Unfortunately, the search warrant was never executed and JCSO investigators claimed it was accidentally lost, tucked away in a binder until another investigator discovered the affidavit. For a full timeline of events concerning the affidavit, read Alan Prendergast’s article in Westword titled Chronology of a Big Fat Lie.
530 KB releasedate

Grand Jury – Missing Guerra Files (Harris Search Warrant)

  September 17, 2004 Former Colorado attorney general Ken Salazar launched a grand jury report to investigate what authorities knew about Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold prior to the shooting. A search warrant was drafted for the Harris home, but was never submitted to a judge. The grand jury discovered plenty of ‘missing’ documents. The grand jury also reported that authorities held a secret meeting a few days after the attack and decided to hide the existence of the search warrant from the public.

5. Lawsuit Documents

Size Released Document Name, Description, & Download Link
39.1 MB releasedate

Misc. Lawsuit Documents

5.8 MB releasedate

Partial Taylor v. Solvay + Appeal Casefiles + Luvox Info

Filesize releasedate

Harris v. Denver Post Casefile

25.4 MB releasedate

Harris v. Denver Post Oral Arguments (MP3)


6. Columbine Audio Files

Size Released Document Name, Description, & Download Link
Filesize releasedate

911 Call Tapes

495.7 MB   Description
Filesize releasedate

Police Radio Calls

2.4 MB Various

Witness Audio

433.5 MB releasedate

Shoot Team Audio Interviews & Gardner’s Transcript

    Interviews conducted with officers Neil Gardner, George Gray, and Paul Smoker by the JCSO Shoot Team.
8.9 MB releasedate

JCSO Spokesperson Jacki Tallman Interview


7. All Other Documents and Files

Size Released Document Name, Description, & Download Link
3.3 MB releasedate

The Strangeness of Columbine by Lear’s Shadow



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